November 9
Be not afraid, only believe--Mark 5:36
OUR Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the child's right of approach and of expectancy. Humbly pleading Thy promises, relying alone upon the merits of Thy Son, we pray; in our sorrow, send the Comforter.
In our helplessness, supply efficiency for service. In our ignorance and loneliness, show us the way wherein Thou wilt walk with us.
Dwell Thou within us, that we sin no more against Thee, that Thy will be our pleasure, Thy cause our masked passion. Give us the courage of faith, the consolation of conscious forgiveness, and the blessed assurance that underneath are the everlasting arms. Make us to cleave to that which is good, and abhor that which is evil.
Above all, O Thou Giver and supreme Lover of life, we pray for ourselves not only, but for all men and women, and particularly for all children, that Thou wilt give everlasting life--saving spiritual life, vigorous physical life, pure social life, beneficient mental life--all the life there is that is worth having, for we ask it in His name Who lovingly confided to us, "I am come that ye might have life, and that ye might have it abundantly."
Ira Landrith, D.D., LL.D.,
Boston, Massachusetts