What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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God's Minute

January 9

Give thanks unto the Lord; call upon His name.--Psalm 105:1

DEAR Heavenly Father, as we gather at Thy feet today as a family, we ask Thy blessing on our home and Thy guidance to each one during the day. Help us to realize Thy nearness to us at this hour. May we realize Thy reality at this hour and be consious of the fact that Thou art not a God afar off--the Great King of Heaven, the Mighty Judge of all the earth enthroned in infinite space above us, but that we can claim Thee as our Saviour and our Friend.

Help us throughout this day to realize that Thou canst be nearer to each one of us than the nearest and dearest of friends.

Let us hear Thy voice today. Let us feel the inspiration of Thy presence, and with willing feet enable us to walk in the path on which Thy light and blessing can fall.

Give us this day some work to do for others, some kindly word to speak, some helpful unselfish deed to fulfil in Thy Name. Be with us each and every hour of this day, and may we so live that Thy will may be done and Thy Kingdom come within our hearts.


Mrs. Maud Ballington Booth,
New York City, New York

From the hyperlinked article:

Maud Ballington Booth, Salvation Army leader, pioneer slum worker in New York, "Little Mother of the Prisons," co-founder and leader with her husband of the Volunteers of America, author, popular preacher and much-sought-after Chautauqua and Lyceum lecturer, was born and grew to adulthood in England. . .


A Dose of Jonathan Edwards

They who are truly converted are new men, new creatures; new, not within, but without; they are sanctified throughout, in spirit, soul and body; old things are passed away, all things are become new; they have new hearts, new ears, new tongues, new hands, new feet; i.e., a new conversation and practice; they walk in newness of life, and continue to do so to the end of life. --Jonathan Edwards

Between holidays and houseguests and general vacation-itis, the Resolutions have been on hold for a few weeks but, God willing, Resolution 7 should make it to the blog sometime this week. Research and notes are taken, outline is complete, something is missing. Hopefully, I can "find" it this afternoon.


God's Minute

January 8

I will love Thee, O Lord, my strength.--Psalm 18:1

LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, creator and preserver of all things, we humbly bow down before Thee in worship and supplication. We come without a single plea of merit, except that we have been redeemed through the suffering, death, and resurrection of Thine only begotton Son, Jesus Christ. We thank Thee for the blessings that Thou hast bestowed on us so generously in the past, and we ask wisdom and guidance from Thee in order that each one of us may become a blessing to all with whom we come in contact. We pray for the forgiveness of our sins. We ask Thee to walk with us today; be Thou our friend, our counselor, our guide, our brother, the sure staff on which we may lean. May love for Thee and for our fellowmen always fill our hearts, and shine out of our lives so that all men may see that we have been walking with God.

Thou has never promised to supply all our wants--many of them are not for our good, but Thou hast promised to fill all needs, and we ask Thee for the gift of contentedness, of being satisfied with what Thou doth send. These, and all other things which will satisfy our souls and increase our capacity for service in the kingdom, we ask for Jesus' sake.


William Anthony Granville, LL.D.,
Gettysburg, Pennsylvania


Bloggy Thoughts

When I began blogging I was so innocent. I had no idea about how the world of blogging works. I was completely in the dark about all the many and varied ways one can hitch one's wagon to the "big boys" in order to gain readership. I didn't know that there would be huge blogosphere debates. In many ways, I think I still am still in the dark. But now I am not so much in the dark that I cannot have my feelings hurt.

I have said before on several occasions that blogging is a little bit like chopping veggies with a brand new set of chef knives--eventually someone is going to get hurt and today it is me. But you know, that is a good thing because it has caused me to re-examine why I started to blog in the first place. And whether my feelings should be hurt after all.

My first exposure to blogging was when I "happened" to providentially follow a link from somewhere to Rebecca Writes. I found the website friendly, warm, welcoming and mentally stimulating. As I read some things started sounding vaguely familiar, I began to realize that I actually may "know" this blogger! I emailed her to see and, sure enough, I learned that Rebecca of Rebecca Writes is indeed one of my first and dearest internet friends with whom I had lost contact through various moves and multiple computer crashes. Becky, as I knew her then, was instrumental in helping me to understand the doctrines of grace. She was (and is) so generous with her time and her knowledge and I am still very grateful for that but most of all for her friendship.

And so after reading her blog for several months, I began to wonder if blogging would be something I could do. After a month or so of thinking it through, I decided to give it a whirl. My reasons for starting a blog were simple and few:

I wanted to have a way to share my life with my family and friends.

I wanted to make some new friends.

I wanted to make a record of daily life for my kids and the grand children I am looking forward to having someday.

I wanted to be able to "talk out loud" about the things I am thinking about and the things I am reading.

I wanted to be able to share my faith in Christ and encourage others.

If I have managed to do any of these things, then I have blogged for the right reasons. And I realize now that there is really no need for hurt feelings (silly things that they are) unless, of course, they cause one to think about what really matters.


God's Minute

January 7

Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us.--1 John 3:1

IN THEE, O God, we live, and move, and have our being. If Thou wert to withdraw Thy hand for a moment we should sink into nothingness, as when a drop of dew exhales into the air.

We thank Thee for all that makes life worth living; for home and kinship, and loving friends, for happiness, the hope and the opportunity of doing good. We thank Thee for life and immortality brought to light in the Gospel, and for a strong staff to lean on as we journey toward the immortal life.

Pardon our sins, for Jesus' sake, that we may not be dragging a hopeless chain after us. Sanctify us by Thy Spirit, that we may run in the way of Thy commandments; and enlarge our hearts that we may constantly be doing good as we have opportunity unto all men. Look graciously on the sick and suffering; and incline the hearts of those who know Thee not to come running unto Thee.

Hear and answer, Father of all mercies; not for any worth or worthiness in us, but because we ask it in the all-prevailing name of Christ, our Saviour and Thy beloved Son.


David J.A.L. Burrell, D.D.,
New York City, New York

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