What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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God's Minute

October 17

Follow after righteousness, godliness, faith.-- 1 Timothy 6:11

OUR Father, teach us how to speak to Thee. May Thy Spirit lead us into the light, for we know so little about Thee and are so dull and slow to learn. Wilt Thou forgive us when we do wrong, and keep us from going away from Thee. O Good Shepherd, the wilderness is so large, and we are weak and so easily lose our way. Keep us from the wild beasts of sin, and may we never miss the path that leads to Thy fold.

Bless our home today, and all who are in it. May we always be gentle and loving, and seek to make all about us happy. Help us to have a shining face, and especially when we meet Thy other children who are sad and in trouble. Teach us to do as Jesus did when He forgot all about Himself trying to help others.

We thank Thee for all the good and beautiful things Thou art giving us every day. We pray Thee to help us to help Thee to make Thy world good and happy.

And this we ask in the name of our Elder Brother, Christ Who loved us and gave Himself for us.


Charles R. Flanders, D.D.,
London, Ont., Cananda



Pyromaniac has temporarily closed up shop but he left the front door open. His blog hasn't been updated since the 7th but this morning there are 119 comments and counting. I haven't been reading along, [yet] but I have been checking in to watch the count. My prediction? Over 150 responses before he returns.

UPDATE: Now that I've skimmed through the comments at Pyromaniac I've only got one thing to say: This post serves to prove the truth of my confession here: I've never had an original thought in my life. .. .

UPDATE: He's baaaack. 214 posts later. . .No comments on the new thread yet. New prediction? I predict the discussion of the discussion will top 100 posts.



Fifty pink flamingos and a huge sign in the front yard. Cars in all the neighbors' driveways. All the lights in the house on. You'd think that would tip him off that there just might be a surprise party inside, waiting to explode. Not Mike. He was completely surprised. His response, once the laughter died down?--"No kidding, I saw the sign and thought, 'Sharon's having another yardsale. . .'" What fun!


God's Minute

October 15

Believe that ye shall receive, and ye shall have.—Mark 11:24

OUR Father in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, Whom having not seen we love, we draw near to Thee in prayer.

We are unworthy of Thy many mercies, for we have sinned against Thee, but we know Thou wilt not despise the humble and contrite heart.

We thank Thee for life and its sustenance; for home, with all it comforts; for our loved ones and friends; and above all, for Jesus, Who loved us and gave Himself for us. May we be enabled to follow in His footsteps, doing as He would have done, speaking as He would have spoken, and denying ourselves that others may be blessed.

Bless to us Thy Holy Word. Enable us to live according to its divine teaching. In all our intercourse with our fellow men, give us grace to be patient, forgiving, loving and kind, and to influence others for good. Forgive us our many sins, and keep us by Thy almighty power through faith unto salvation.

We ask everything in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, our adorable Redeemer.


William H. Scott
Philadelphia, Penna.


God's Minute

October 15

Follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace.—2 Timothy 2:22

ALMIGHTY GOD, our gracious Heavenly Father, we, Thy needy children, would draw near to Thee. We come with confidence, for Thou hast already manifested Thy interest in us this day. Thou hast raised us from rest in slumber, and so given us a new opportunity to do Thy will.

Add, we beseech Thee, to these evidences of Thy favor, all needed goodness and mercy; goodness to provide for our ever-returning wants of body and soul; mercy to pardon our past transgressions, and to protect us against future temptations. Grant us also grace this day to manifest the Spirit of Jesus Christ in all we shall think, and say, and do.

Show Thy loving favor to all who are near and dear to us. Guide, we pray Thee, all who occupy positions of authority and trust in Church, in State, in industry, in education, in society, and in the home. Hasten, O God, the time when every knee shall bow in the name of Jesus, and every tongue shall confess Him as Lord. These blessings, and whatever else Thou seest we shall need this day, we ask through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, Thy Son and our Saviour.


Lewis Seymour Mudge, D.D.,
Harrisburg, Pa.