God's Minute
Let all those that put their trust in Thee rejoice.--Psalm 5:11
OUR Heavenly Father, we bow in Thy presence in child-like confidence, knowing that Thou art able and willing to hear our supplication, and graciously answer our prayer for Thy guidance during this day, which will be day of opportunity, of blessing, of responsibility, and of testing. Grant us as a family Thy benediction and the special direction of the Holy Spirit, so that in all our ways we may acknowledge Thee, and all our undertakings and in the performance of our tasks we may please Thee, and worthily represent Thee. Bless us individually and collectively, and make us a blessing to all over whom we shall have the opportunity of wielding an influence today. May the meditation of our hearts and the utterances of our lips be acceptable in Thy sight, and may the gracious promise be fulfilled on our behalf: "As thy day, so shall thy strength be." Since each day hath its own particular temptations and trials, may we be able this day to cope with all our adversaries and successfully conquer them, leaving our impress for good on all with whom we may come in contact. May we realize this day, as never before, the truthfulness of the promise: "The path of the just is as a shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day." In Jesus' name we ask it.
Rev. W.H. Bucks,
Cleveland, Ohio
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