What is "God's Minute"?

In the comments below, Karen asked about the God's Minute prayers that I post every day.
On the first day I began posting them I explained that the prayers come from a book that my grandparents gave to me when I got married. For years they had kept in on their kitchen table and my grandfather had read from it every morning at breakfast. It sits just to the right of my computer monitor now. It means a great deal to me and since it is now out of print and in the public domain, I decided to post them up on the blog.
This little book is nearly worn out. I don't know for sure how long they had it, but I've had it since '78. As you can see from the picture, several sections have come loose. From time to time I will run across some penciled underlining. I wonder what must have been going on in my grandparents' lives to have made that particular prayer or phrase stand out on that particular day.
My grandparents left us with a wonderful example: an abiding faith in Christ and an abiding love for each other.
There are three words on their headstone: Thank you, God.
Reader Comments (3)
May we leave such a heritage to our grandchildren!
"My grandparents left us with a wonderful example an abiding faith in Christ and an abiding love for each other."
That is the Joy that we have as adults to leave His Joy to our children that they may know Jesus
What a wonderful heritage! Thanks for the understanding. The Lord provides wonderfully for us, doesn't He!