God's Minute

Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory upon their children. And let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us.--Psalm 90:16,17
LORD GOD, our heavenly Father, we Thy children come before Thee to thank Thee and to praise Thee. We thank Thee for the gift of Thy dear Son Jesus Christ, and that Thou hast kindled faith and love in our hearts through Thy Holy Spirit. We thank Thee for peace of soul through the forgiveness of our sins and for the blessed hope of eternal life. We thank Thee also for the opportunity to labor in our earthly calling and thereby to render service to Thee, to our dear ones, and to our fellowmen in general.
Bless us, heavenly Father, as individuals, that we may have the strength always to do our duty as it is made clear to us. Bless us as a nation, a Christian people, that the high hopes placed in us by peoples in distress may not be shattered. Bless Thy Church that it may have the power always to witness for Christ wherever we go, and help us gladly to share our temporal blessings with those who are in physical want. Lead us through the hours of the day, and watch over us through the night. And when Thou art done with us here on earth, take us to Thyself in glory. We ask it in the name of Jesus, our blessed Redeemer.
Carl J. Bengston, D.D.,
Rock Island, Illinois
Reader Comments (1)
Great prayer on trusting the Lord in everything...