God's Minute

He ever liveth to make intercession for them.--Hebrews 7:25
GRACIOUS GOD, our Father in Heaven, we bless Thee that hour by hour our lives have been enriched with the knowledge of Him who graciously interpreted the Infinite to our minds, and Who in reconciling love and saving mercy, brought us near to our Father in Heaven.
Remembering our sinfulness of heart and proneness to sin, we would humble ourselves before Thee. Though, indeed, we have sought to do Thy holy will, yet have we fallen short in many things. We now confess our sins: "forgive us our trespasses."
Once again, we ask that by the Holy Spirit given unto us, we may find our delight in the ways of God, and so be enabled in our daily walk to commend the Gospel of Christ to those among whom we move.
Further, we beseech Thee to hear us on behalf of loved ones far and near, that they may share the blessings which we now ask for ourselves. And may Thy Kingdom come, and Thy will be done on earth as it is done in Heaven.
These and other favors we beg in the Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.
James. W. Thirtle, D.D., LL.D.,
London, England
Reader Comments (4)
Hi Kim,
I was checking your post and saw a few names that I wasn't familiar with so I checked them out and in the process came across a comment you left on one of them. You mentioned that you have been going through D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones Ephesians volumes. I love Dr. Lloyd-Jones writing. My husband leads a home group at our church and one of our members brought the first volume to home group and we spent a good long time reading through that volume and gleaning the insights and wisdom that he brought forth there. It has just been over the past few years that we have been introduced to some wonderful older authors in the faith. Glory to God!
I've loved his writings for a long time. His biography (2 volumes by Iaian Murray) is wonderful. What an amazing life he had!
Another of his books that is not so pricey is "Spiritual Depression." The title makes you think of depression but is really about our walk in sanctification. I've recommended it to so many and everyone seems to get a lot out of it.
I decided to drop back over... :o)
I have read "Spiritual Depression". You are right it is real good! What other books have your read? Any other authors that you really like?
I like books by:
RC Sproul
Sinclair Ferguson
John Murray
Jerry Bridges
Francis Schaeffer
I also like to read the "old guys" like Jonathan Edwards, John Bunyan,
Spurgeon, Calvin and Luther.
Who do you like to read?