Quote of the Week
Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 06:57AM
"When you come to worship, take heed that you do not come in your own strength, for there is more required in sanctifying the name of God than your strength is able to carry you on in. And therefore, act your faith upon Jesus Christ every time you come to worship God"
Jeremiah Burroughs,
Gospel Worship
Related Tags: quote, Jeremiah Burroughs, Gospel Worship
Like quotes? Kim from the Upward Call has a Quotable Quote from John MacArthur this morning.
Reader Comments (2)
I guess this means worshipping in spirit and in truth which has always seemed kind of - not totally - abstract but if you think of how it is only through Christ that we can bring God proper worship and praise it makes sense - probably unlike me. all that to say, the quote has got me thinking...
I haven't heard of Jeremiah Burroughs before. I hope we will hear more from him.
oh, jeremiah Burroughs... I've been working through one of his books off and on for the last TWO years. that's right. TWO years. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment- one of the most challenging books I've ever read. It's a continual "Do you think or feel x, y,z" and he comes back with the Godly answer that puts you into your place. I'll try to post on my blog when I'm done with the FINAL chapter, almost there.