God's Minute
October 22
My tongue shall speak of Thy righteousness and praise.--Ps. 35:28
OUR Heavenly Father, we rejoice in Thy love. The knowledge of Thy love for us casts out all our fear as we approach Thee in prayer. Thy love has redeemed us, and moment by moment we are kept by the power of Thy love. That we may glorify Thee, help us to be kind and courteous and honest in all the relations of life. Give us the mind that was in Christ Jesus. Help us with open eye to see the truth, and with open heart to receive it, and grant us grace in all things to do Thy holy will. We thank Thee, Heavenly Father, that Thou hast supplied all our needs. We have wanted for no good thing. We confidently trust Thee for the future. We put our all in Thy hands, knowing Thou wilt never fail us. Be about our homes and loved ones today. Beat back all that disturbs human peace and mars human happiness. Deliver us from all evil.
Bless and prosper the cause of Christ our Saviour in the Church and throughout the world. Bring many today, by the way of the cross, into Thy Kingdom. Save the lost. We ask all this, with the forgiveness of our sins, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Rev. Charles Henry Pinchbeck,
Baltimore, Maryland
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