Giving Thanks in November II

- November 20 I went along to the doctor's office with my daughter in law this afternoon. We had a such a good time together. We found the office with no trouble and she got in and out of the doctor's office quickly so we stopped for coffee on the way home. It's so nice to have a daughter after all these years of all boys! I'm very thankful for my daughter in law, Beth. She is such a blessing! I'm looking forward to having her here to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family.
- November 19 Isn't it wonderful to have talented friends? Today I am, again, thankful for my friend, Jules. She designed my beautiful banner and has been wonderfully helpful to me in so many ways. I'm thankful for her generosity and patience and kindness toward me.
- November 18 It's our anniversary! We've been married twenty-eight years today! I am thankful for every day that God has given us together and I'm looking forward to all that He has in store for us now and in the future!
- November 17 Today I am thankful for Blogger. Yes, with all its quirks and problems, Blogger has allowed me to think outloud and share my dogs, my photos, and my life for over a year now--for FREE! Yes, for FREE. I was so frustrated last night that I was muttering against Blogger. But I realized today that this blog was made possible by Blogger at no cost to me and that I wasn't behaving thankfully or graciously. Please forgive me for my ungrateful attitude, Blogger.
- November 16 This afternoon I met with the ladies of my small group book study. We are between books and today's gathering was a social occasion; coffee, tea, snacks and conversation. I am so thankful for each one of them; for the friendships we have developed, for the godly tenor of our conversations, for the laughter and the caring and encouragement we experience when we are together. Each one brings something unique to the group. Friendships that deepen and develop around the Word of God are such a blessing! Today I am thankful for godly friends.
- November 15 I know I was thankful for my husband already this week, but since I am thankful for him everyday and since he was especially patient and longsuffering toward me last evening, I am especially thankful for him again. I got a brainiac idea to move a bookshelf from one room to another and move a recliner from the basement to the office, which of course ended up involving moving furniture in almost every room in the house when I didn't like my first idea. In the end, after about two hours of shuffling and stirring up dust, everything was put back in its original place except the bookshelf, which I had moved myself in the afternoon before he got home from work. This is not the first time I have moved furniture all over the place only to decide I didn't like it and asked him to move it all back. Did I tell you that he is patient? And kind.
- November 14 Bathroom update: The second coat is on one wall and I love the color. I'm so thankful that after several long, painful days of painting (with several left to go) I can see now that I do like the color of the paint I chose for my bathroom! I just hope that by the time I get it all done, Blogger will cooperate and allow me to post pictures again.
- November 13 I'm so thankful for my husband. He makes me laugh everyday and he is never cross or impatient even when he has a lot on his mind. He remembers the little things. We have fun together and I love him more and more every day.
- November 12 It's Sunday and again, I am thankful for my church. This morning I was especially thankful for my Pastor and the care he takes in planning the service. We have a traditional Order of Service and from the Call to Worship to the Benediction, every hymn, every congregational reading and every aspect of the service proclaims the Gospel and supports and develops the topic upon which he is preaching. What a blessing it is to have the heart as well as the mind engaged in worship.
- November 11Today is Saturday and I am so thankful for a hot shower after a long, busy day. Sometimes I take it for granted, but it is a wonderful thing to have an endless supply of clean, hot water beating down on the back of your neck after a day of painting. This is the first time I've painted while wearing trifocals. It was interesting, to say the least. Even though at times I wasn't sure which "focal" to look through, I am thankful for my glasses. Wouldn't want to "cut in" without them!
Reader Comments (18)
I hear ya. It took me months to get used to my trifocals. Now I never notice any difficulty focusing on anything. I think my head just automatically tilts backward to the exact angle necessary for optimum viewing.
This aging thing is a real lu-lu.
So what were you painting?
I'm painting my bathroom. Yesterday I did the ceiling and the walls. It'll take me a while to do all the trim and woodwork because we have lots of wainscoting and I am going from white all the way to a deep expresso brown, so it'll take two or three coats.
I took before pictures so unless I really don't like the new look, I'll post before and after pics when I get done.
Hi Carol,
I don't have any trouble reading and doing normal stuff with the trifocals anymore, but standing on a ladder and looking at the line between the ceiling and the wall from the other side of the pedestal sink was a bit tricky. If I can get close enough, I do alright but sighting down the length of my arm was really hard! Thankfully, now that I am on to the trim the only tricky spot is the medicine cabinet (I think).
Can't wait to see the renovation pictures!
Can't relate, but I'll be moving into bifocals soon--hey, graduation!
So, stop over or e-mail and tell me about this Giving Thanks thing, and about your medical update.
Never cross or impatient????! Wow, what a gem!
Aha! Blogger lets me post on your blog!
A good, patient husband; I have one too, and like you am so thankful for him.
I'll be looking for those pics of your espresso bathroom. How could it be bad when it replicates coffee??
it's good reading these thanks lists. makes me consider all the more what I have to be thankful for.
have fun with your painting. :)
are the dogs helping?
Hi Carmen,
I'll send you an email today! We need to catch up. HOw was your move?
Hi Annette,
No, the dogs (well, at least Ivy) would like to help, but I have banished them from the bathroom until it's finished. Which is why I wrote about how whiny and clingy Vizslas can be when they don't get enough attention. : D
Ivy is pretty sure that I'm being held captive in the bathroom and I need rescuing. She paces outside the door and snorts under it for about a half hour before she finally settles down.
Eve is much calmer. She accepts whatever comes along.
I like the sound of the deep expresso brown - looking forward to seeing the end result.
I'm moving into the bi-focal stage. i keep forgetting and pulling books closer. It's hard for this near-sighted person to get that you have to hold the print further away in order to read!
Oops. My e-mail has changed. it's the same except the @, which is now I may be too late for this thing at this point, but I'd love to hear from ya'.
Hi Kim!
Happy Anniversary to the two of you!
May you have many years of continued
happiness together..
Happy Anniversary, Kim and Tom!
Have a great day and many wonderful years to come!
God Bless.
Aw, shucks!
I'm thankful for Kim because she loves me inspite of me.
A late happy anniversary to you guys, Kim. :)
This morning's message at church was about thankfulness, in keeping with the upcoming holiday, and I found myself thinking about this series of posts you've been doing.
Thank you for pointing me towards a more thankful heart.
Thanks for the anniversary greetings, everyone!
We had a lovely day together--and Ohio State won!
Hi Shanna!
I have Rebecca of Rebecca Writes to thank for directly my thoughts to thanksgiving!
We all have so, so much to be thankful for!
I've missed a few. Congrats on your belated anniversary. Beth sounds like a true blessing!