God's Minute
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. . . For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.--Hebrews 11:8,10
OUR Father, Who art in Heaven, we thank Thee for Thy presence in our hearts and in our home, for Thy loving kindness and Thy tender mercies. We desire to give Thee the largest possible place in our life, that Thine ideals for us may be realized and that we may fulfill our little part in Thy great plan. So humbly pray Thee to pardon anything in our lives that hinders our fellowship with Thee or our usefulness to our fellow men, and correct in our characters whatever is not Christlike. Teach us to trust Thee for all our needs, both of soul and body.
Defend us in the time of temptation, and help us to realize that we are citizens of the spiritual kingdom. Bless all our fellow-disciples the world around. Empower Thy Church that she may win great victories over evil, and at last receive us to be with Thee, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Rev. W.O. Rogers,
Terre Haute, Indiana
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