God's Minute 2/10

Hast thou faith? Have it to thyself before God.--Romans 14:22
ALMIGHTY and living God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, of Whom the family in heaven and earth is named, we beseech Thee to look with love and mercy on us, Thy children, throughout this day. Keep us in Thy faith and fear. Give us grace to reist the devil, and to renounce all his works and temptations. Guard us from the lusts and sins of the flesh. Shield us from the corruptions of the world. Make us diligent and faithful in our appointed work. Keep us patient under trial. In anxiety and worry, help us to find trust and peace in Thee. To Thee we offer our thoughts, words, and actions of this day, and beg that Thou wilt bless them. In ills of the body and vexations of the spirit, be Thou our healing and our strength. Bless our friends and neighbors. Increase their joys and soothe their sorrows and their sufferings. Protect Thy Holy Church spread throughout the world, that it may abide with steadfast faith in the confession of Thy Name. Take the dying to Thy rest, and comfort the departed with larger and larger measures of holiness and happiness. Dwell in our hearts, and guide us with Thy counsel, that after this life Thou mayest receive us with glory. All of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour.
George McClellen Fiske, D.D.,
Providence, Rhode Island
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