God's Minute 2/16
For the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins.--1 John 1:7
O LORD, Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, receive our grateful and loving thanks for Thy love declared in Jesus Christ, Thy well beloved Son. For our share in this love we are unspeakably grateful. That we can through the darkness and pain of Calvary see the reconciled face of our Father makes it for us the place of peace. That the precious blood there shed cleanses our souls from sin and gives us victory over temptation, that the love of sin is gone and with it the fear of death and condemnation, that God's love working through His almighty power is ours and for us, for all of these amazing gifts and mercies our words are too poor to express our gratitude, we can only adoringly worship Thee and marvel at Thine unspeakable gift. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Maitland Alexander, D.D.,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
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