Getting real for Randi
Monday, February 27, 2006 at 08:35AM
Randi, at I Have to Say, has asked us to come clean and get real. As you can see, there is nothing clean about my "real" kitchen this morning. We had friends in for dinner last night and this is the scene that greeted me when I got to the kitchen to make my coffee this morning. I've been up for several hours and it still looks like that (blame that on Lauren, whose post on RSS feeds has challenged me to go out and try to find out all about feeds. So far all I've learned is that mine isn't validated. . .feedburner, here I come!)
Reader Comments (9)
Love, love, love all the windows. Forget the dishes they are probably even done by now. But the all the windows, makes doing the dishes easier I bet.
Oh, and sorry I couldn't be of more help on the Yahoo thing. :( Maybe someone else will come in and answer your question.
Hey, Lauren!
HA! Those windows could be another "getting real" post if I could figure out how to take a picture that shows just how dirty they are--on the inside with dog nose smears and on the outside with winter grime. The room that you can peek into beyond my kitchen window is our sunroom; it has 13 windows and two french doors all in need of washing.
By the way, your post made me finally take time to learn about RSS feeds and caused me to discover that I have some problems with my feed (and almost made me late for church yesterday). So I appreciate it a great deal. I think that the problem with yahoo must be related to my feed problems.
A REAL post over at my place too today. Story, no pix, sorry
Doesn't compare to our (four college guys') kitchen. Be thankful!
I LOVE all your windows! It would be easy to forget the dishes with all that sunlight! Thank you for sharing!
Hey! I know somebody who has dishes. And friends to come over and eat off them. And a house with windows to see out of as she washes the dishes. And friend to come over and read about her dirty windows and dishes.
She's pretty cool, too.
Ah, makes me feel right at home. At least you had company to help create all those dishes. Doesn't even take company at my house somedays! And I understand about the windows issue. We have lots of huge windows also. They are so very beautiful (only for the first day after I've cleaned them all... whew)
People clean windows? I just cover them up!!!