God's Minute 3/17
Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice.--Psalm 27:7
O LORD, our Lord, how excellent is Thy Name in all the earth. Thou art our God, and the God and Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, through Whom we, Thy children of faith, have the forgiveness of our sins. Thou art our father's God; and Whom they in the flesh confidently worshiped, we, their children, would also reverently worship and adore.
Humbly, yet devotedly, would we give thanks to Thee, O God, for Thy great love revealed to us in Christ; and for Thy rich and unfailing providences to us, and to all men. For Jesus' sake, receive our thanks. Continue Thy loving favors to us, and grant us pardon for sin, and life eternal.
Give us, we beseech Thee, the Holy Spirit as our Guide this day, into truth. May He ever comfort us and all Thine in times of sorrow or of trial. May He strengthen us when we are weak. May He raise us up again, if we fall. May He inerpret Thy Word to us, and enable us to do Thy holy will with gladness of heart.
With us, bless also this, our nation, and the whole world with Heavenly peace, for Jesus' sake,
John Grant Newman
Philadelphia, Pennsylania
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