God's Minute3/19
Therefore shall the people praise Thee.--Psalm 45:17
ALMIGHTY GOD, Heavenly Father, Who art the light and life of men, we give Thee humble and hearty thanks for all the blessings of Thy merciful Providence; and we commend ourselves this day, and all who are near and dear to us--our family, our friends, our neighbors--to Thy divine care and protection. Give us grace so to live that we shall not be afraid to die. Save us from all dangers of soul and body. Grant us strength for our daily work, sufficiency for our daily needs, and a right judgment in all things.
We pray for our country, that it may be exalted in righteousness; for those who exercise authority, that they may be wise and just; for all our citizens, that they may be faithful to duty and obedient to law; that our land may be a land of liberty and peace, of true religion, of mutual service, acceptable to Thee, our God, and honored throughout the world.
Finally, we beseech Thee, O Father, to protect and encourage those, who, by life and doctrine , and home and abroad, are proclaiming the Gospel of Thy redeeming love. Send out Thy light and Thy truth, that all men everywhere may acknowledgte themselves to be the sons of God, and that Thy Kingdom may be established in all the earth. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Bishop Thomas F. Gailor, D.D.,
Memphis, Tennessee
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