God's Minute 3/22

The Lord is the strength of my life.--Psalm 27:1
OUR Gracious Father in Heaven, we accept with thankful hearts this most wonderful priviledge of entering into Thy presence through prayer. A new day stretches out before us, and we know not what shall befall us ere we come to its close. How greatly do we need a strength that is more than human. We find ourselves insufficient for the tasks of the day. Our vision is so narrow, our judgment so faulty, our wisdom so incomplete. We are becoming more and more conscious of our shortcomings and our failures, and if we recognize them, how grieveous must they appear in Thy sight. Forgive us and help us, we pray. Teadh us that we are most strong when in weakness we throw ourselves upon Thee. Teach us that to lose self is to gain power and influence. Help us today to be good witnesses for Jesus Christ. May our lives ring true. May our conduct be in strict accord with the profession we make. May it be easier for others to do right today, because we are in the world. Make us strong in the hour of temptation, and give us grace for every trying situation that may arise. This petition we humbly offer through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
William S. Abernathy, D.D.,
Washington, D.C.
Reader Comments (2)
Wow, amen..... isn’t this prayer soooo true in our lives? As I look at this though, I see something very different about it then most of the Christian literature that is on the shelves today. I work at Lifeway Christian Book Store and believe me, I see a lot of literature. So let me ask you…. How does this prayer bolster our self-esteem, how does it make us feel good about ourselves, how does it encourage us to do better in our own strength and power? The answer…… it doesn’t. It makes us understand that we have a sin problem and that we are always going to fall short of the mark, no matter how hard we try, amen? This is exactly why I’ve been led to a more historic orthodox faith. I believe that this prayer is so edifying and comforting because it’s so biblical. It lets us know who we are in the sight of God and how much we need God and His provision in our lives. Let us keep our sights on Him and witness to His glory in this beautiful day He’s given us.
Through faith in Christ by His grace only.
Hi Dan,
Then it's not just me, eh? I actually started to put some of the most moving parts of this prayer into italics but soon realized that I would have to italicize the whole thing.
This prayer touched my heart and soul more than any other so far in all that I have posted.
We are becoming more and more conscious of our shortcomings and our failures, and if we recognize them, how grieveous must they appear in Thy sight. Forgive us and help us, we pray.
May it be easier for others to do right today, because we are in the world. Make us strong in the hour of temptation, and give us grace for every trying situation that may arise.
This one is getting printed and tucked into my Bible right in the Book of Psalms.