God's Minute

November 24
Evening and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice. Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee: He shall never suffer the righteous be be moved.--Psalm 55:17
OUR Father in Heaven, look upon us, we beseech Thee, in Thine infinite love and compassion. Dwell Thou with us, that being molded by Thy good Spirit, we may have fellowship with Thee as Thy children. Help us at all times to trust Thee. Appoint for us what Thou willest, and make us ready to receive with thankfulness whatsoever seemeth good to Thee concerning us. Go with us in every mission on which Thou art pleased to send us, and in Thy service we may find rest.
Lighten our darkness, we entreat Thee, that we may behold Thy face, and in Thy tender mercy, do Thou temper the storm lest our weak faith fail. Forgive our sins, and day by day deliver us from their power. We commit all our loved ones to Thy keeping. Do Thou watch over them and bless them. And as Thou givest us a taste of Thy joy in loving our friends, lead us into the fullness of the joy of loving all whom Thou lovest, through Jesus Christ, our Lord.
William Farquharson, D.D.,
Agincourt, Ontario, Canada