What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt:  Time

Me, about four years old. Time marches on.

"The irresistible, inevitable onward march of moments and years without the possibility of one instant's pause--a march that even while on the uphill side of life is leading to the downhill side--casts an autumn-like shadow. . ."
--Frances R. Havergal

Theme: Time

Next week's theme: Light(s)


Quote of the Week

Otium sine litteris mors est et hominis vivi sepultra.

Leisure without literature is death, or rather the burial of a living man.--Seneca


God's Minute

November 25

Walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us.--Ephesians 5:2

OUR Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for having mercifully kept us in health and strength, and for filling our lives with so much of comfort and happiness.

We pray for each one of those near and dear to us, and we beseech that Thou wilt keep them, and defend them from all evil. Enrich them with the blessing of Thy Holy Spirit.

Likewise we pray for all Thy disciples of every creed, wherever they may be, and that Thou wilt bring all those now separated from Thee to a vital knowledge of Thy goodness to them, and to a desire to become Thy humble followers.

As we pray "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven," so, O Lord, may we daily strive by all our acts to do all that we can for the upbuilding and extension of Thy kingdom on earth, and may our lives show to all men that we are Thine.

May we honor Thee by striving to obey Thy command to do unto others as we would have that they should do unto us, and so bring men to acknowledge Thee as their Lord and Saviour.


Alba B. Johnson,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania



This doesn't count the first armfull that Tom already took outside to throw away.

Of all our many, many strings of lights only one strand of thirty-five lights works. That includes all of the lights that are woven in and around decorative items like my wooden Christmas tree.

Duds; all duds!


No Shopping Zone

And So it Begins

The day after Thanksgiving is the traditional opening day for Christmas shopping. All this week the television commercials were alerting saavy shoppers to the opening sales, some starting as early as 5 o' clock in the morning!

I will not be shopping with the hoardes of bargain hunters today. Not that I don't like to get a bargain. I do. However, the thought of leaving my cozy house before dark to face the mobs so I can compete for one of a limited number of ridiculously priced sale items leaves me cold.

I have my own day-after-Thanksgiving tradition. Today is the day that the boxes come down from the attic and I begin decorating for Christmas! That is infinitely more satisfying for me. The fridge is full of leftovers so the family won't go hungry if I don't cook today. Tom always has the day after Thanksgiving off, so I have a helper to bring the boxes down from the attic and move the furniture.

Hopefully, if all goes as planned, this evening Tom and I will be sitting in the dark in the sunroom in front of a sparkling Christmas tree. I can't wait!

Let the fun begin!

(Christmas fun began last night; after the Thanksgiving feast was cleaned up and the leftovers were stowed away, our family sat down and watched one of our favorite Christmas movies--Elf.)

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