What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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Thinking cap required

Doug, at Godward Thoughts, is writing an excellent series on "Moral Absolutism." This is an important topic and one that all Christians should, indeed must, consider and yet it is one that is too often set aside. This is where we live, folks. Our thoughts and our beliefs inform our actions.

Here are the links for the series thus far:

God's Moral Law and Absolutism

Moral Absolutism: Non-conflicting Absolutism

Moral Absolutism: Conflicting Absolutism

Moral Absolutism: Graded Absolutism

Doug not only gives us an overview of each position, he also tells us the leading proponents, the strengths and weaknesses of each position, and some book references as well.

Go visit Doug-- and don't forget to take your thinking cap . . .

update: I have updated the links to include the fourth, and last, installment of this series. Doug asks a penetrating question at the end: So where do you fit? Do you lean more heavily to a certain view, or do you reject them all and have a different theory?

I need my thinking cap--and another cup of coffee.


God's Minute 2/16

February 16

For the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sins.--1 John 1:7

O LORD, Eternal God, our Heavenly Father, receive our grateful and loving thanks for Thy love declared in Jesus Christ, Thy well beloved Son. For our share in this love we are unspeakably grateful. That we can through the darkness and pain of Calvary see the reconciled face of our Father makes it for us the place of peace. That the precious blood there shed cleanses our souls from sin and gives us victory over temptation, that the love of sin is gone and with it the fear of death and condemnation, that God's love working through His almighty power is ours and for us, for all of these amazing gifts and mercies our words are too poor to express our gratitude, we can only adoringly worship Thee and marvel at Thine unspeakable gift. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Maitland Alexander, D.D.,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Nominated?-who me?

It seems I have been nominated for a Share the Love Blog Award over at One Woman's World; category? Best Commentor. (my husband will get a charge out of that!)

You can find out all the details and the other categories and nominees here.

Thank you to whoever was kind enough to nominate me. (Blush) I hope it doesn't mean I've made myself a pest in all your comment boxes! :)

Now, go on over and check it out. There is a huge list of nominees in all categories--that'll keep you busy for a while. Oh, and while you're there, tell Heather thank you for all her hard work in getting this up and going! The best part about these awards is finding new, wonderful women bloggers!


To be known even as I am known

Mapping Personalities: The Johari Window.

Saw this at Ian's Messy Desk just now. I must have checked my bloglines right after he put it up, because I got to post to his Johari Window first!

If you'd like to post to mine, the link is here.

It could be humiliating, I suppose, because everyone gets a chance to see how you view yourself and there could be some well, surprises, but as I said, I can't seem to resist these goofy quizzes.


God's Minute 2/15

February 15

Wait on the lord, and He shall save thee.--Proverbs 20:22

IN the Name of the Lord Jesus we bow inThy holy presence, O God, to thank Thee for all Thy goodness and mercy to us as a family and a household, and to ask Thy forgivenss for all wherein we have sinned and grieved Thy Holy Spirit.

We pray for grace and guidance that we may so walk as to please Thee. Grant us Thy protecting care to shield us from accident and danger. And above all, we pray that, thus walking in Thy fear and love, we may know the joy of Thy salvation.

And what we ask for ourselves, we pray for all who are dear to us. And very specially we commend to Thy Fatherly goodness any who are in sickness or sorrow or trouble, that Thou wilt graciously bless and sustain and comfort them.

Thou hast given Thine only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him may have eternal life. Such is Thy love to the world. But Thou hast a still tenderer love for thosw who believe in Christ and are one with us in Him. For them we make our prayer to Thee.

Hear us and bless us, we pray Thee, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake.


Sir Robert Anderson, K.C.B., LL.D.,
London, England