What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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God's Minute 1/31

January 31

With thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.--Philippians 4:6

OUR Father in Heaven, we praise Thee for the mercy-seat to which we can come, and before which Thou art so pleased to have us bow. Help us to approach it with pure hearts and with sincere motives. Teach us our need of Thee. Show us how dangerous it it to live without the consciousness of Thy presence. Walk with us as Jesus walked with His two companions to Emmaus. Help us to commune with Thee as friend with friend. Prevent us from willful sin. Subdue our heart's rebellion, and keep us at peace with Thee.

Help us to be patient and sympathetic with all who may need our help. If we have wronged anyone, give us the grace of repentance and confession. If any have injured us, enable us to forgive and forget.

Bless our home, and all who are dear to us by the ties of kinship and friendship. Inspire and strengthen us so that we will be able to glorify Thee in home, in school, in the factory, or shop. Forgive us wherein we may in any way have grieved Thee, and aid us in our efforts to avoid the mistakes of yesterday. Our prayer is in the name of Him Who loved us, and gave His life to save us.


H. W. Crews, D.D.,

Woodstock, Ont., Canada


What kind of writer are you?

You're a Dialogue/Character Writer!

What kind of writer are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Found at Ian's Messy Desk

(Strange; the only time I tried to write a book, the thing with which I had the most trouble was dialogue, which probably only proves that I value what I cannot do!)


A different kind of writer's block

There is more than one type of writer's block. Calligraphers experience a form of writers block. Sometimes there is nothing more enchanting than the blank page. When the energy and imagination are engaged it is an invitation spend a day immersed in letters. But there are times when the blank page mocks you. "You're out of practice. You just don't have it anymore. Give up before you humiliate yourself."

I am working on my son's wedding invitation. It is slow going. I am out of practice. I am older now and I feel the effects of fibromyalgia and arthritis. I have lost my confidence. This is not just another project. It's important to me, to him, to my future daughter in law.

This is what calligraphers do when they have writer's block. They attack the blank page randomly; quickly and without a lot of thought to form and arrangement.

And if all else fails, they re-organize all their supplies and clean their desktop and decide to blog about it. . .

Karen, at Sower's Corner, has posted her wedding invitation, lettered in Calligraphy by her mother-in-law. Thanks for sharing that, Karen!


Casting the 'net

This is just too good not to bring to your attention! Randi is conducting an online quilting class at I Have to Say. I am absolutely in awe at the amazing pictures and easy to follow instructions that she is providing for her online students. As a seasoned quilter myself, "I have to say" that if you've ever wanted to make a quilt but didn't know where to start, this is a great place to get started! Randi not only provides instructions on cutting and sewing, but also on choosing fabrics. The photos are excellent.

This is a major accomplishment. I hope that you'll go visit Randi's class. Whether you ever make a quilt or not, you will be blessed to have seen excellence in action.


God's Minute 1/30

January 30

Ask cousel, we pray thee, of God.--Judges 18:15

OUR Heavenly Father: Thou hast made us for Thyself. We are the tender objects of Thy solicitude and care; Thou art more thoughtful of us and ours than we ourselves are.

We are conscious of our weakness. Temptations assail us. Our lives are often in the shadows, and we are inclined from the right. Awaken in us, O Lord, a sincere desire for Thee, for Thy house, and for Thy welcome. Help us to feel that we can never satisy our souls until we satisfy them in Thee.

We feel deep within us the call ofGod to do our best. Do not permit us to rest in false security, in pleasant sins, or in popular falsehoods of whatever kinds. When we are satisfied with what we have done, show us the danger of losing our ideals of perfetion. And when the way seems hard, and the by-paths pleasant and enticing, give us Thy gracious help. Hear us, our Father, in the forgiveness of our sins. May Thy Kingdom come in power, that all men everywhere may know Thee as Lord and Master. May Thy will be done in our lives, and in the world, near and far, as it is in Heaven. Through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Bishop Lawrence H. Seager, D.D.,
Naperville, Illinois