Why I blog about my dogs
Maybe I should have titled this "Why I blog."
Recently, my blog has been added to the GodBlogRoll. One of the categories I "fit in" is "home school." But if you're coming here to read about our homeschool, you are going to be disappointed. The regular readers here will tell you that I rarely, if ever, blog about it.
There are a couple of reasons for that. First of all, we've been doing school at home for eleven years. It's become so much a part of our daily lives that it's a bit like doing the laundry or cooking dinner. It's just what we do. Oh, we have our ups and downs, our major victories and our crushing defeats from time to time and some of them might even make interesting blog posts, but that really brings us to the second reason I don't blog about our home school. Reason Two is Sam. He really doesn't want to have his life chronicled on a blog for all to see. I don't blame him.
When I started blogging I promised my boys (my husband included) that I'd give them editorial privileges. That means I ask permission to blog about them and I give them a chance to read the draft before I post it up. We all like it that way. They never have to worry about what I'm going to blab about next.
The dogs, on the other hand, are another thing altogether. They have no awareness of the fact that I blog about them frequently. They have no editorial privileges. And they present me with goofy doggy antics every single day. (an allusion to Spurgeon: if you knew all the mischievous doggy antics I think about posting but never actually do, you would offer me hearty congratulations for my restraint. ) My eldest son, John, lives in Ohio and he enjoys the doggy posts. In his words, "I can still enjoy them 2 states away!" For him it's just a peek into what is going on at home.
So if the doggy stories aren't your cup of tea, that's OK. I understand. But I snapped a couple of really good pictures of Sam and Ivy this morning so, watch out! You might not like the next post!
God's Minute 1/26
Bless thou the Lord, O my soul.--Psalm 104:35
OUR HEAVENLY Father, we are Thy children, and we come to Thee, bringing our sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving. Thou hast made us, and Thy love of us is unceasing. Thy love is the light of our life and Thy grace the strength of our hearts. Save us from forgetting Thee and Thy claims upon us. May we welcome our common duties and discharge them as in Thy sight; rejoice in the ties of kinship which bind us to one another, and never forget them; courageously face our difficulties and carefully redeem the time, seeing that the days are evil. Help us to resist every temptation and especially those that assail our thoughts and stain our imagination. Give us power to hush the tumults of the flesh, and fortitude to bear the burdens of life cheerfully. Deliver us from anxiety about the future, and strengthen in us the conviction that all things work together for good to those that love Thee. Enable us to profit by Thy patient and loving discipline. Fill us with the mind of Jesus, and make us ready for any sacrifice for Thy Kingdom of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Quicken us, O Lord, that we may seek first Thy Kingdom and Thy righteousness, and calmly wait Thy will, in the assurance that whatever else is best will be given us. In the Name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.
John Clifford, D.D.,
London, England
(4 x 4)+4
Four Jobs You’ve Had:
Dental Chairside Assistant
Preschool Teacher
Home school teacher PreK-9th grade
Four Places You’ve Lived:
Four Vacations You've Taken:
Fort Morgan Beach,
North Woods Wisconsin—Big Crooked
Four Vehicles You’ve Owned:
Fiat 124 Sport Coupe
Olds ‘98
Toyota Camry
Four Blogs You Visit & Want to Tag: