What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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Studies in the Person And Work of Jesus Christ: Chapter Two

Chapter Two:  The Son Declares the Father

D1  The Attributes of God
    Communicable vs. Incommunicable

Christ came from the heart of God to the heart of man (Son declares the Father)

R1 &D2:  John 16:28 I came from the Father and have come into the world, and now I am leaving the world and going to the Father.”  Forms an outline of the entire book of John and expresses the full circle of Christ in His Work:
1:1-18  Christ coming from His Father in His incarnation
1:19-11:57  Christ coming into the World for our salvation
12-17  Christ’s leaving the World for our sanctification
18-21  Christ’s going to the Father for our glorification
Aim of incarnation was to reveal the Father (pg 17)
    --how else could the Father be revealed (creation)
    --why, then, was the incarnation necessary?
Creation:  Wrath is revealed from heaven through creation (in the things that have been made  Romans 1:18-25
Incarnation:  Review bottom pg. 16  (R1 &D2 salvation, sanctification, glorification)    
Jesus is the Eternal Logos “distinguishable but inseparable”
    Same substance /different roles (go over error of modalism)
Christ as Mediator (subject to the will of the Father/priority not superiority)
The Son of God is as eternal as the Father (pg. 18)
The Son is equal with the Father (pg.18)
The Son of God is the image of the Father’s Glory as the incarnate Son
Q1 Why is the clause “as the incarnate Son” important?
R & D3 “The Diety of Christ is invisible as the Father; but being clothed with flesh God’s works can be seen.  Christ presents the excellency of the Father in figure.” (see scripture support pg. 18)
R & D4 pg 19—4th paragraph (Indwelling is not the same as identity through the end of the paragraph. . .)
Q2  What are some of the truths this reveals?
(Man could never know the Father apart from Jesus Christ)
Top of page 20:  The relationship of Father is a revelation by Jesus Christ.
John 14—how many times is the word Father used?  What impact does the reading of that passage have after what we have been considering?
Who is our father before faith?  (Eph 2:2, Jn 8:44)
The Son of God came into the world to redeem sinners. (pg 20)  “to provide the means of salvation.:
    The Cross—His passive obedience
The son of God ascended to the Father to represent the saints in their sanctification (1 Cor 1:30)
    His obedient life fulfilled the Law—His active obedience
The Son of God returned to the Father for our glorification (2 Th 1:10, Romans 8:17)  Christ is the heir of all things—we are joint heirs with Him.
The Son declares the riches of the Father (Read Eph 1:3-23)

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