
So, last night I took a cherry cheesecake ring to Bible Study to share during fellowship time. I brought more than half of it home. The kids ate a piece before bed last night, Tom had a sliver with coffee after breakfast this morning, which left 6 pieces. I decided to move the leftover pieces to a plate so that I could wash my baking stone while I was cleaning up the kitchen this morning. I loaded the dishwasher, wiped off the counters, swept the floor and was just getting ready to go work on getting my Thanksgiving week organized when I realized that the big plate I had absent-mindedly loaded into the dishwasher--the one that looked clean--had been the one to which I transferred the leftover cheesecake.
Little Miss Guilty Conscience wouldn't even turn around to look at me. Or maybe she wasn't really feeling guilty and it was just the 1,440 total calories she consumed that made it impossible for her to digest and listen at the same time. I vote for the second.
Related Tags: vizslas, dogs, bad dog

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