
From the TV listing:
"Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first woman she meets and then teams up with three complete strangers to kill again."Would you be likely to sit down and watch a show like this? Me, either. Sounds like a gruesome sci-fi made-for-TV movie, doesn't it?
However, I think I can safely say that in all likelihood, 100% of my readers have not only watched this movie, but most would even say they love it.
You see, it's all in the perspectives.
When my computer crashed, it seemed a very bad thing to happen--inconvenient, expensive, and time consuming. All those things are true, but it hasn't been all bad. Having to re-build the computer (or at least pay someone who knows what he is doing to re-build it) and then re-install programs and hunt down documents and passwords and re-set preferences may seem bad, but having the
That's the way it is in life, too. Sometimes the things that God brings into our lives seem painful, inconvenient, and not at all what we would choose for ourselves. But, with time and perspective, it's always just what we need, just when we need it.
Oh, and the movie?
Like I said, it's all in the way you look at it.

Reader Comments (4)
"it's always just what we need, just when we need it." Amen, sister! I love this post. :)
Yes, it is. All in the eyes of the beholder.Congrats on the Hidden Treaure nomination!
Wow, that was a shocker of an ending! Congrats on our nomination!
Congratulations on your win!!!