I finally saw him. . .

. . .our friendly neighborhood red fox. My son and daughter-in-law saw a fox in our yard a month or so ago. Sunday evening, one of the couples in our small group saw him, just standing right there in the yard like he owned the place.
Last night, the boys and I were in the car, backing out of the driveway, and there he was as big as life. And he did have an air about him that said, "yeah, this is my yard; wanna make sumth'n of it?"
I've seen a fox before. We used to have them in our backyard in Ohio. They were the scroungiest, mangiest, skinniest things you've ever seen. This fox was different. He appeared healthy and well-feed.
I'd love to get a picture of him. I'd love to know where he lives. I'd especially like to know if red foxes ever tangle with red dogs.

Reader Comments (7)
I can't wait to see a photo of "your" fox - he sounds like a handsome fellow.
In my neck of the woods, the foxes seem to follow the same trails, so you'll probably see him again. Hope you get that picture!
Just stopping by to say hi and see what's up. God bless you and have a great week! (never saw a fox up close and pesonal:-)
We've seen a lot of foxes up here - especially since the coyotes came across the ice from the mainland and took up residence on the island. They have driven the foxes out of the deep woods.
Last winter I saw a beautiful bushy fox trotting out of my neighbor's lane with a fat Rhode Island hen in his mouth. Bold as brass in broad daylight!
Hi Vicki!
Glad you stopped by!
Hi Kathie,
Bold as brass is right. I have a friend (Jill, hi Jill) whose chickens were killed and/or injured by a fox. It was heartbreaking for her. It makes me sad again to think of it.
I hope our Mr. Fox is well fed on field mice and not pets. I'm surprised that he lives in the center of town. I can understand seeing them in the outskirts of town, but we live in an older residential neighborhood just a few blocks from downtown. I wonder where he lives--and what he eats. There aren't a whole lot of meadows in which to hunt mice around here.
Hi Kim,
I also thought of Jill's chickens when I read about your fox. It seems pretty bold to be out in daylight, but I really don't know that much about them. We saw one in a campground last year and it was just about dusk.
Yep, "...our FRIENDLY neighborhood fox...He appeared healthy and well-fed." Uh-huh. I know all about that...and so do the von Trapps!
Just kidding, Kim. I have nothing against our little fox; in fact I feel awfully sorry for him. His habitat is disappearing to the unfortunate sprawl that the Lehigh Valley is seeing, being perfectly situated between NYC and Philadelphia.
Brian has taken several nice pictures of the fox in the next-door field. It's just that now when we see them, our camera isn't the first thing on our minds...
Enjoy the wildlife!