George: The Obsessive Compulsive Cat

George has always been a bit obsessive compulsive. When something catches his attention, he can quickly and annoyingly become obsessed and then exhibit extremely annoying behaviors for an extremely long time. To his credit, he seems to be able to discern when he is about to get the boot, because when we think we're going to pull out our hair (or his!) he seems to go on to the next obsession, leaving the former behind, never to return to it again.
When he was a tiny kitty, he used to hide behind a chair everytime we let Maxie, our little Yorkie, go out to go potty. As soon as Maxie came bounding back into the house, George would strike--pouncing on Maxie and rolling her half way across the entryway. George never failed to be there, ready to pounce--Maxie never saw it coming.
Then there was the water obsession. He played in his water bowl. Did you know a cat can actually pick up a handful of water and toss it into the air and the spike it on the way down? Trust me, I watched him do it, over and over again.
Then there was the toothbrushing obsession. He had an uncanny ability to know when someone was going to brush their teeth. At the time of the toothbrushing obsession, we lived in a huge two story house. No matter where he was in the house at the time that toothbrushing of any kind happened, he would be there, sitting on the bathroom counter, waiting for that little trickle of water so that he could toss it up into the air and then spike it into the mirror.
Over the years, George has been obsessed with many things. Melting snow that we track into the house in the winter, bugs, toilet flushing--those are just some I can think of off the top of my head. There have been many.
Now it's the washing machine. He loves to lick the little trickle of water that wells up in the gasket and then runs down the front of the washer when I am unloading the wet clothes. You would think that we never filled his water bowl. Even if I'm not doing laundry, he tries to lead me to the washer every time I go down to the basement. This afternoon, he started trying to climb into the washer whenever I load or unload clothes.
Let's hope he doesn't end up like this kitty.
Reader Comments (16)
Too funny! Your cat sounds like wonderful entertainment! :) I have to say, though, I felt so sorry for the poor kitty in the video clip! It looked just terrified during the "spa" treatment, and downright vindictive at the end.....
I felt sorry for the kitty, too. He looked absolutely terrorized.
I couldn't finish watching that video.
Our cat Leroy loves it when the toilet flushes, and recently he's learned to flush it himself. The first time he did it it spooked me out because I was home alone when I heard the toilet flush in another part of the house.
I didn't want to keep watching it but I had to know if he was OK.
I am so glad he hasn't figured out how to flush the toilet! Imagine our water bill!
When George was in his toilet flushing stage, he'd follow ANYONE into the bathroom and wait until they flushed so he could watch the swirling water going down. For some reason it fascinated him.
It didn't matter who it was; our pastor, our realtor, friends, neighbors. If someone made their way to the bathroom, George was right on their heels. Some people didn't particularly want a cat staring them down so he was ushered out. He'd sit outside the door, glaring in a threatening way. One of the ladies in my Bible study got so creeped out by his "look" that she decided it was just easier to let him in the bathroom with her.
(when Ivy was a puppy she learned how to get water from the door of the refrigerator--we had to nip that in the bud)
Oh, I meant to tell you that Cheryl, the lady from my Bible study said that if he was as big as a dog, she would never turn her back on him!
It took a while to convince her that dirty cat looks really can't hurt you!
Hi! I found you from Leslie at Lux Venit! I was just stopping by and see we have some things in common,doctrinally! I will be back to read more! Love your blog!
Hi Kim!
Welcome to Hiraeth! Thank you for your kind remarks; isn't it fun to find other bloggers who share your doctrinal views?
I'm off to visit your blog!
(Oh, I don't know if you found my reading blog, Hiraeth Warehouse. You can find it in the side bar under My Blogs. Why don't you stop by the Warehouse when you have a few minutes?)
George and Leroy must have been separated at birth. Leroy does exactly the same thing, but instead of staring, he lies lounging on the bathroom rug acting all nonchalant until it's time for the toilet to be flushed. Then he springs into action.
George sounds like a character, unlike my cat who is a big yellow lump.
George sounds like a cat with quite a personality! Vincent loves the sound of a blow dryer and vacuum cleaner. (can't figure out why as he's such a scaredy cat!) His favorite drinking spot is the fishpond.
That video made me feel sooo bad for the kitty...
George is such a funy cat!! But I have to say that I did NOT like the video-
I should learn to never post my comment without previewing it first-I spelled "funny" with only one "n'"!!
Great stories about your cat! We have two and when they hear the toilet lid go up, they come running. They've discovered that a toilet-sitter is a captive audience ready to pet a furry kitty.
They also come running whenever we pick up the can opener, and they'll stay and whine until we PROVE it isn't tuna!
Cats really are cheap entertainment.
I was so bummed; I can't get the video to work! Must be funny though. Or from the sounds of it something PETA might want to look into... LOL
My kitty doesn't vary his obsessions much.
Hi Jen!
Oh, that's funny! Our other cat, Buster does the same thing. When he does it we say he's "in the zone."
He acts like he has no idea anyone else is around!
He also scratches the wall beside the litter box instead of scratching IN the litter box. Which leads to another one of George's obsessions; whenever he sees Buster making his way to the litter box, he lurks around the corner and as soon as Buster finishes scratching the wall and hops out, George hops in and covers up whatever Buster left behind. He likes a tidy litterbox.
Silly cat.
He acts like he has no idea anyone else is around!
They don't have any idea. The entire world revolves around them.
And a tidy litterbox is a good thing...