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Getting back to answering the survey questions:
Has reading Christian blogs increased your desire to tackle weighty Christian tomes? Answered here.
Have you learned of Christian authors and theologians that you might not have otherwise known or read? Yes, in particular, the writings of the Reformers and the Puritans. I started out by reading Jonathan Edwards' and Martin Luther's works on the will, and that opened up a whole new world to me. After that, as they say, one thing led to another. . .
Through others' recommendations I have also come to know the works of people like Mark Devers, David Wells, and Jerry Bridges. For example, during one particular period of time, I was looking into the regulative form of worship and read many books that were recommended to me. Some of those include With Reverence and Awe by Hart and Muether, Worship in Spirit and Truth by John Frame, When God Comes to Church by Raymond C. Ortlund, Jr., and Pleasing God with our Worship by Robert Godfrey.
Have you purchased or borrowed books that were recommended by bloggers? Yes. I certainly have. I mark my books, so I nearly always buy the books I read. I must admit I get a certain thrill when I get an email with the words Monergism Clearance Sale, or Soli Deo Gloria, or Sovereign Grace Books in the subject line. Because I agree, at least in principle, with Erasmus: "If I have a little money I buy books, if any is left, I buy food and clothing," my husband has actually given me a monthly stipend to buy books. Isn't he wonderful?
Have you read fewer "real" books as your blog reading has increased? This answer is more complex than it seems at first blush. I'll be saving this one for a post of its own.
Has the availability/searchability of great Christian works caused you to rely upon them merely as resources? My answer to this one, too, is complicated and requires a whole post of its own.
Do you think reading the great Christian authors and theologians is important and/or profitable? I think that reading the great Christian authors has been indispensable. I'll develop this idea further in another post as I find the time.
Do you read them? Obviously, I do. : )
If so, who do you recommend? There are so many, and most of the ones that others have recommended, I would recommend as well. Someday when I have the time to blog and no ideas to write about, I plan to compile a blogger's recommended reading list.
For myself, I will recommend a few that are perhaps a bit less common: Richard Baxter, Richard Sibbes, Robert Murray M'Cheyne, Thomas Boston, Dr. D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Thomas Vincent, Nathaneal Ranew.
Here's a link to the original survey post. There are links to the responses up to this point at that post.
Today I am adding another blogger's answers to the survey, Leslie of Lux Venit. Don't you love the name of Leslie's blog? It means "light has come." Leslie make a very good point: " The ones that I have found to be most profitable are written by Puritans, which are sometimes difficult to read. However, when I take the time to think and follow their lines of reasoning, I am edified and challenged." Reading the Puritans and the Reformers can be a strenuous activity, but it not only edifies us and challenges us, as Leslie says, I believe it actually helps us learn to THINK better!
Reader Comments (2)
I know you often read You're listed as one of her favorite blogs. Well, my friend, Jules, is turning 45 on Feb. 14th. Can you feel the monumentuous--ness?? I can't fix it for her. I can't express it for her. She's into you guys, the bloggogals!
Express it the only way you know how. She's really a cherished friend and I'd only know Crist as well as I do through her, AMEN, SISTA, HAPPY BDAY!]
looking forward to your recommended reading list :-)