May Recipe Round Up: Appetizers!

Last month, Rebecca hosted a Recipe Round-up. She asked for "quick fix" recipes and we all got a lot of great recipes. Being the greedy recipe hound that I am, I suggested that we might keep this going. So, I will be hosting May's Recipe Round-up here at Hiraeth.
I'm taking Rebecca's lead, so here's how it will work:
Since I love to entertain, in May we're calling for easy, delicious (and possibly impressive) appetizers. (The best appetizers are easy, delicious, AND impressive, right?)
The date of the Round-up will be Wednesday, May 16. That gives you plenty of time to think about what you’ll contribute (or get the recipe from your friend who makes those divine stuffed mushrooms.) Just post your recipe and send me the link in the comments on this post or at the email address in the sidebar. Old posted recipes are welcome, too, as long as they fit the category. If you want to ensure that your recipe gets included in the first draft of the round up, have your link into me by 8AM CDT May 16. I’ll continue to update to add any links that come into me during that day.
Look for the complete collection of appetizer recipes to be posted here by 8 PM on the 16th. I can’t wait! Also, feel free to send links to recipes posted on other people’s blogs as well as your own. If you have a good recipe that fits the category of appetizers, but you don’t have a blog, email it to me or leave it in the comment of this post and I’ll post it right here for you on the day of the round up.
(And yes, if those instructions sounded familiar, it is because I "stole" Rebecca's instructions and took them for my own and twisted them to my own purposes. Shameless, I know. . .)
I'll post a reminder on Monday, May 14.
Oh, one other thing. If we want to keep this going, we'll need a volunteer to host next month's Round-up. If I were you, I'd jump in now. No one has called dibs on desserts yet! : )
Oh, one more other thing. I have all the recipes from the last Round-Up in a file on my computer named "Quick Fix Suppers." It's tucked into another folder named "Blogger's Cookbook 2007" to which I will be adding an "Appetizers" folder. Once this thing runs its course, the whole cookbook will be available to anyone who sends me an email and requests it. I'm looking forward to the different categories you will come up with!
Also, I have a rather small readership in comparison to many of you who are kind enough to read my blog. Would you help get the word out to your readers? Thanks!
Reader Comments (9)
Can't wait--I think appetizers are my favorite food to make (and eat)!
My recipes are posted at my site. I'm looking forward to these recipe's!
Yum yum. I love appetizers. Sometimes, when we got out to eat, I just order a few appetizers rather than a big meal.
I'm sizzling with excitement...
Ooh...I'm going through my notebook now! I'd love to host the dessert round up - after all, I'm known as the dessert lady at church and with all my friends! (Unless you already have someone else)
Somehow I missed out on the last one -- I'll have to go check it out! I was just thinking about asking readers for quick-fix meal ideas.
I know I have an appetizer or two to send in. This sounds like fun!
I know just the recipe!
My stomach is grumbling already! I'm in and off to research....
I host a Favorite Ingredient Friday recipe exchange each week, this week I'm doing a Breakfast edition.
I'd like to participate in your "recipe roundup" and even host one on my blog but since I'm out of town this week and likely to forget, will you please leave me a comment on Friday reminding me (and my other readers) of the date of this recipe roundup? I'd sure appreciate it.
Of course, if you'd like to offer a breakfast recipe while you're there, I wouldn't complain. :)