Lord of My Heart
Lord of my heart, save me from empty praise, that I may always boast of You.
There is no room for boasting of one's self or one's own accomplishments in the Christian life.
Ephesians 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.
Have I done something/anything "praiseworthy?" Who gave me the ability to do it? Whose good works are they? Who prepared the good works to begin with? Who helps me to "walk in them?"
Any gifts or talents or strengths or knowledge we have have been given to us for a reason--to glorify Him.
Philippians 2:13. . .it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.
As Kim from the Upward Call observed today: My life is not my own. I was bought with a price. I realized what that means: my life isn't mine. That means that my decisions are to reflect what He wants, how I am to use what He gave me, and how I am to seek His will and not my own.
Galatians 6:14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
How deep the Father's love for us, how vast beyond all measure,
That He should give His only Son to make a wretch His treasure.
How great the pain of searing loss –The Father turns His face away,
As wounds which mar the Chosen One bring many sons to glory.
Behold the man upon a cross, my sin upon His shoulders;
Ashamed, I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers.
It was my sin that held Him there until it was accomplished;
His dying breath has brought me life – I know that it is finished.
I will not boast in anything, no gifts, no power, no wisdom;
But I will boast in Jesus Christ, His death and resurrection.
Why should I gain from His reward? I cannot give an answer;
But this I know with all my heart – His wounds have paid my ransom.
Words and Music by Stuart Townend, 1995
Reader Comments (6)
How is thy heart, my sister and friend?
My favorite lines from this song are:
"behold I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers," and
"why should I gain from his reward? I cannot give an answer."
I pray the burn of which you wrote may heal, and the truth applied to your heart will draw your soul toward heaven as you rest in his mighty arms. For we are as much unable to fix ourselves as we are able to change others. Soli gratia, my sister and friend.
I am so enjoying this series! Thank you for posting these!
Three hymn hits in a row. Wow! Do we go to the same church?
Ha!!!! That made me laugh out loud! What a great comment--the first I read this morning. I needed to grin, too, so thank you, Paul!
I did wonder if I should skip the Sunday Hymn this week, but decided to go ahead with it. I'm glad I did--if only so I could start out the day with a good laugh! ~Kim
Beautiful, Kim! Praise God, I am His and He is mine...What glorious grace!
I've really been struck by the part of that Ephesians verse above about the fact that God has prepared the good works beforehand that we should walk in them. This says to me that I need to pay more attention to what God is doing and wants me to do instead of spinning my own wheels. I don't have to make up the good works...He's prepared them now I need to be obedient and walk in them. I hope I'm on the right track here. :) blessings.
LOVE this hymn!