Has it really been 3 years?

Has it really been three whole years since I first stuck my toe into the sea of bloglandia and tested the waters? Three years ago, I never dreamed I'd still be doing this almost every day, nor did I imagine how many wonderful friends I would make along the way!
I had totally forgotten that today was the day until Teena from Toronto reminded me in the comments. I don't have anything fun planned for a celebration so how about this? Now would be a good time to leave a note if you are reading Hiraeth. Feel free to tell me what you like and don't like, what you'd like to see more of and less of, or just say "Hi!"
So, jump on in! The water's fine!
Reader Comments (14)
I'm a faithful reader! I appreciate your photography, your calligraphy, and your words of wisdom -- whether they are your own or a quote.
Hi Leslie! Thank you for being a faithful reader! I am a faithful reader of your blog, too, and am so grateful for your friendship!
Bloglandia. I like that. What I like about your blog - that you seem genuine. Posting what is real. I like your focus on theology and your beautiful calligraphy. If I knew you in real life I would always sit at your table.If you knew me in real life you would always be welcome at my table! I hope you are feeling better now!
Wow! Three years. Congratulations, and I hope you keep at it forever. :)
Forever is a long time! : D
I used to think about quitting a lot (still do from time to time, especially when I am really busy) but I think that as time goes on I am learning to allow the blog to develop serendipitously instead of worrying about it so much.
Thanks for helping me get started three years ago, my friend!
Three years! That means you have put a lot of work and love into this blog. Mazal tov, congratulations.
Many blessings wished you from Jerusalem.
Thanks, Dina! I like that--a lot of work and love. That about describes blogging, doesn't it? : D
I'm really enjoying glimpsing into Jerusalem through your blog. Today's post was very touching--the smoothness of the stones from centuries of praying Pilgrims at the Wailing Wall--it brought tears to my eyes.
Congratulations! Can't think of a single thing I don't like about your blog. It's always interesting.Aw, thanks, Jen! Coming from you that means a lot! You always encourage me! Say Hi to Toby for me!
I'm with Jen, and I just wanted to say that from a tiny little blog in a tiny little provience, I love how I have made good friends and that those friends just popping in from time to time make blogging worth while.
Love from Norn Iron. You've been a wonderful friend (not to mention your great recipes) Someday I hope to visit Ireland and worship with you!
I've been reading off and on for the last couple of years- jumping in from Ally's blog- but I'm glad I started to be a regular reader and I love your encouraging comments on my blog. I like it the way you do it- I like serendipity- I love calligraphy and I LOVE grandsons! I feel like we Should be old friends- so I'm going to consider you that until the years make it true!
I feel like we ARE old friends, or at least kindred spirits! I've really enjoyed getting to know you! I can't believe we share the same beloved Allyson and we never met!
Another faithful reader (just not so faithful commenter)! Happy Anniversary--here's to many more! I am so very grateful our bloglandia paths crossed!Oh, Lisa! Me, too! I'm a faithful reader and not so faithful commenter of your blog, too. Feed Readers are mixed blessings, aren't they? It's so much easier to read using one but all too often I read on the fly and don't take time to leave a comment. Shame on me. But I do pray and I have been praying!
Congratulations, Kim! We started at about the same time, I guess. I missed my "anniversary" too.Happy Blogiversary to you, too! You, my friend, though you do not know it, were the one who helped me relax and not worry about the blog when time was short. You manage to maintain a rich, warm and beautiful blog with only a few posts per month without neglecting the wonders of the 'real life' around you. You are the only one I know who can do that with such effectiveness.
Kim, I didn't even know about blogs during your first year of blogging, but when I discovered your blog I think I read my way through your archives and just kept right on reading up to the present. I enjoy your calligraphy, quotes, recipes, your tales of doggie antics, ----- and ELLIOTT! Most of all, I appreciate your faithfulness to biblical truth, your love for the Lord Jesus, and the gracious way you share your faith through what you write. You've also been a great encouragement to me through private emails and through prayers for me and my family, and I thank you.
May God see fit to keep you blogging. I'll be here with all the others, enjoying the daily read.
Hi Rosemary! You have done the same for me, my friend. So often I wish you were still blogging, but I respect your obedience and wisdom in knowing when to lay it aside. Who knows, perhaps there will come a time when you can pick it back up again. I'm still subscribed!
Congrats, friend. Compared to your veteranacity, I'm a blog baby. So glad that I found you, I love coming here for encouragement, the beauty of your art and the dogs, always the dogs.
Veteranacity. I like that. I'm surprised that you haven't been blogging as long as me; it seems as though I've always read your blog! You have been a great encouragement to me, too! When I open a post of yours I never know whether it will make me laugh or make me pause and think. Both are good to do.
I'm just so happy that we were able to renew our friendship through our blogs just recently. All these years we could have stayed in touch and didn't know that the other one was a blogging lady as well. Your writings are a blessing to me and I have enjoyed our friendship so much.
Happy Blog-a-versary!
Angie in OH
I was just telling Tom that the other day at breakfast! All those years without contact and I feel as though I'm getting to know you better each day through the lens of your camera and the daily chronicles of the Arthur Clan. While we were home to Ohio a few weeks ago, I thought of you when we were driving through the beautiful Ohio countryside. Maybe in the spring we can meet at Cool Beans on the square in Medina with Allyson and Heidi and have a nice long chat.
Even if I don't usually leave comments, I'm still here in your "audience" :) Time flies and layouts change... as well as the addresses! Congrats for the three years.
Eija! So THAT's where you are now! I'll come visit you this morning! I've thought of you so often recently! Every ABC Wednesday I think to myself--this is made for Eija! I hope you are well and happy and your little Pepe is keeping you hopping!
Like I said in my first comment on this blog, I love the way the blog looks! Besides that, what you write is always worth reading. And the quote from Martyn Lloyd-Jones at the top of the page was one of the first things I noticed and liked.
Keep it up and many blessings!
Oh yeah, I love it when my wife uses one of your recipes.
Thanks, John! I'm glad to have met you and enjoy your blog greatly! Glad you like the recipes!