Make Way for Ducklings
You think I would learn, but alas, I never do.
Last year I was bemoaning the fact that I didn't have my camera with me when I saw a couple of geese out taking a walk across the road with 22 goslings in tow.
Last night, we were taking a quick run to Wal-Mart for some garden soil and we saw the funniest thing: another couple of Canada geese crossing the road with babies. What made this one funny is that they had crossed one lane and were all gathered together in a turn lane waiting for the traffic to clear so they could complete their cross to the other side. The babies were gathered tightly under the parents' feet. The cautious parents were turning their heads this way and that, sizing up the situation. Oh, I'd LOVE to have a video of that scene!
Reader Comments (4)
Go get your camera and put it in your car NOW! Or at least in your purse!
We have loads of Canada geese in the park nearby. Sometimes, when I walk past them, if their babies are with them, they hiss at me.
I loved that book by McCloskey!
Yeah... I carry my camera with me EVERYWHERE. And if I should go and make just a quick visit to the crogery store without it, it's GRANTED that just that moment I would need it...
I love the book and I love that you got to witness such a beautiful sight! :)