Quote of the Week: Charnock
Friday, August 15, 2008 at 07:20PM
Not to give God our spirit(ual worship) is a great sin. It is a mockery of God, not worship, contempt, not adoration, whatever our outward fervency or protestations may be. Every alienation of our hearts from Him is a real scorn put upon Him. The acts of the soul are real, and more the acts of the man than the acts of the body; because they are the acts of the choicest part of man, and of that which is the first spring of all bodily motions; it is the internal speech whereby we must speak to God. To give Him, therefore, only an external form of worship without the life of it, is taking His name in vain.
Stephen Charnock, The Attributes of God, pg.263
in Quotes
Reader Comments (2)
I remember this one.
Wow, what a quote. I say amen to Charnock. I've not read his book on the attributes, but I know that he's not easy to read. I have a little book of his called "The sinfulness and cure of thoughts." It's hard enough for me to finish, but well worth the effort.
It is worth reading! Five hundred twenty-four pages in length, it is divided into nine discourses, each one nearly book-length. I have not read it from cover to cover, but over a period of years I have read nearly all of it. Kim from the Upward Call is also working her way through this excellent book. It's definitely worth getting started on, even if it takes many years to work one's way through it!