Prayers Needed

Many of you already know about the tragic death of Terry Stauffer's young daughter. It is a shocking, dreadful thing. The Stauffer family and the entire community need our prayers in the days and weeks to come. As is always true in such tragic situations, so many people are affected in far reaching ways. Let us pray that God would comfort and sustain the family, give wisdom amd favor to those whose responsibility it is to find and prosecute the perpetrator, and that God would be glorified in the lives of His people and many would draw near to Him and be saved.
More locally, we are praying for our son Jake's best friend, Jake B., who was a passenger on a Chicago bound Metra train Friday morning (on his way to classes at Moody) when the train struck and killed a pedestrian. Jake's strong faith in Christ is evident and he was able to pray with the very shaken conductor after the initial investigation on Friday. Jake B. is back on that same train this morning, ready to share the comfort of Christ with his usual train-mates. Will you pray for Jake and for all the 'regulars' who will be returning to their normal routine that will never really be 'normal' again.
This morning we are taking Jake back for what we hope will be his final post-op pacemaker check. If all goes well, as we expect, he will be able to go back to work and back to driving. It's been a long haul, but he's ready to get back to work and 'back to his regular life.' When he returnes to work, Jake, too, will lhave an opportunity to talk to his co-workers about God's gracious intervention in his life. Pray that he will have the courage to boldly share what God has done and is doing in his life.
We have so much for which to be thankful. Let us give thanks to Him Who gives us life, Who plans our days, and Who offers salvation and comfort and peace in times such as this.
Philippians 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. 5 Let your reasonableness be known to everyone. The Lord is at hand; 6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In the comments, Becky, from Life with Kaishon, left this prayer request:
"A girl, who just graduated, was killed in a car accident on Sunday morning. Her parents go to my parents church. Can you pray for them as well. They are very sad."Please add the family of this young girl to your prayers today. Another tragic loss; another opportunity to trust in the wisdom and loving-kindness of God in the face of tragedy. Friends, God is glorified when we steadfastly trust Him in the most difficult of times.
Also, Jake had a good appointment today. His cardiologist and his pacemaker therapist are both very happy with his progress and he can now go back to work! I want to thank you all again for praying for him while he was in the hospital and his health was in great danger. God has answered your prayers in a mighty way!
Reader Comments (11)
Amen. and amen.
I'll pray for these today.
Life can be just awful. But I was glad to read about Jake B. and the way he was able to comfort someone in need, and I'll pray for your son, of course.
On my knees ... Thank You for sharing.
I will pray too. A girl, who just graduated, was killed in a car accident on Sunday morning. Her parents go to my parents church. Can you pray for them as well. They are very sad.
Hi Becky,
I will certainly pray for the family of this young girl. May God grant them comfort and peace in the days and weeks to come.
Life can be hard - it's such a comfort to know that the Lord is in control and that He can bring good from even the most horrific events. Praying right now for Emily's family, your son and his friend.
Glad to hear about Jake's report and ok to go back to work. I have been praying for these other requests too. Have a good Tuesday Kim..
"the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
This is what have guided me all those past years and helps me to understand what other people are going through.
I hope that your son will soon be back to normal.
There is one blogger here on blogspot who needs our prayers too. It is Michelle. She had an accident and was taken to hospital. She is now doing better, but need our prayers. Read about it on the ABC site where you entered your name.
It makes me so sad to hear of the loss and tragedy these families are going through right now. I will be keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.
Angie in OH