I don't like getting old

Not all of it is bad, mind you, (being a grandma is FANTASTIC!!) but somedays it feels as though I am falling apart at the seams.
A month or so ago, I was diagnosed with stage II arthritis in my right thumb and tenosynovitis in my right wrist. I have to wear these goofy looking orthopedic gloves (the heavy-duty one of which I call my gladiator arm!) and take naproxin and a glucosamin/condroitin supplement twice a day. It's painful and inconvenient, but I was getting better by depending upon my left hand for many of the more painful tasks. Yesterday, however, my left wrist started really acting up and now, this morning, I can hardly move that wrist without intense pain. I would bet money it's tenosynovitis in that wrist now.
I just learned last week that my cholesterol is approaching the 'high' zone and my triglycerides are up, so I've got three months to get those numbers down in order to avoid having to take medicine for that.
Sigh. . .
I don't like feeling as though I'm wearing out! I have too many things I want to do to fool around with physical problems that slow me down!
Well, that's enough complaining for one day. I have a full schedule today and I'm looking forward to tackling it--as soon as the naproxin kicks in!
Reader Comments (11)
So sorry that you're having mechanical issues, Kim! I usually joke that the intrusion of physical symptoms means that the warranty is about to expire, but you aren't there yet!! Hope you get some relief, and that you have a good day!
I'm sorry to hear about your arthritis etc. My dad is suffering from arthritis and I have a feeling I'll end up with it too. I already have some signs. It must make it hard to do your beautiful calligraphy. Praying your pain and discomfort can be managed...
Even though I know it wouldn't make the pain go away, if I could, right now, I would give you hug if I could.
I'm sorry to hear that about your wrists. Husband and I tease each other about the who's getting older faster business. But some days it's just not funny. High cholesterol and triglycerides run in my family as well. I take a mouthful of supplements to keep me off the statins. Email me if you want the cocktail.
So sorry about the arthritis and the other stuff.
I remember when my mother started complaining about getting old. I wasn't all that sympathetic. Now I know a little of what she was speaking.
Yep, I don't like this boat we're in very much either!
I don't like it either, and if I remember correctly I'm about 10 years ahead of you. Growing old isn't for the faint of heart, is it?! Hope the supplements help you to feel better.
Yeah- growing old is a pain- but it sure beats the alternative.
My sister, Robin always said she didn't want to get old. I think I'll take the pains and pills and slowing down of activities over dying young.
Anyway- we're not old- just well seasoned.
Sorry about your aches. I know the feeling. Sometimes I feel like an old car - all the parts are going :)
I'm getting caught up in bog reading and I see that you're going to have a new granddaughter in Feb - oh my! I may get jealous :) Congratulations!
Grandchildren are the advantages of getting old.
Oy! Honey...you need some girl-time at a cozy coffee shop. Shall I drive up?
p.s. Menopause really sucks, too.
How frustrating!