Political Week(s) in review 2/14-2/27

February 27, 2009
Obama’s intelligence pick linked to Saudi Arabia
Washington Times
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Burris’ Son got State Job from Blagojevich
Chicago Sun Times
February 26, 2009
Fact Check.org
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Lisa Madigan: Senate Special Election OK
February 25, 2009
Full Text of President's Speech
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Mayor Daley proposes tax paid to Chicago on cars rented in the suburbs
(file this one under "only in Chicago")
February 24, 2009
Louisiana Governor Rejects States Stimulus Share
Stephen Dinan and S. A. Miller, Washington Times
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Dick Durbin: Burris Should Resign
The Swamp, Chicago Tribune Washington Bureau
February 23, 2009
(with a little WH posturing in the middle)
CNBC and CNN video via Jen at joythruchrist
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Obama's 1.74 million (unpaid) party
Chicago Sun Times
Fran Spielman, City Hall Reporter
February 22, 2009
EDITORIAL: What was he thinking applies to Eric Holder, too
Washington Times Editorial
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Sen. Roland Burris questioned in Federal probe
John Chase and Jeff Coen, Chicago Tribune reporters
February 20, 2009
Mr. President, Keep the Airwaves Free
Rush Limbaugh, Wall Street Journal guest Commentator
States Prepare to Combat Stimulus Strings
David M. Dickson, Washington Times
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Ann Telnaes Cartoons, Washington Post
February 19, 2009
Must see video:
CNBC's Santelli's Chicago Tea Party
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Real of Fake Roland, nobody believes him
John Kass, Chicago Tribune News Columnist
February 18, 2009
Holder Says US cowardly on race
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Chicago Tribune
February 17, 2009
Editorial: Stimulus Plan Flunks Test
Washington Times Editorial
Illinois Political Link of the Day
February 16, 2009
Obama's Rhetoric is the Real Catastrophe
Wall Street Journal, Bradley R. Schiller
Illinois Political Link of the Day
Chicago Tribune Reporters, Rick Pearson and Janet Hook
February 15, 2009
In Gingrich mold, a new voice for solid resistance in Republican
Adam Nagourney, International Herald Tribune
Illinois political link of the day
Burris changes story on Senate seat
Chicago Tribune Reporters, John Chase and Rick Pearson
February 14, 2009
Doomsday Scenario Doesn't Add Up
Washington Times Columnist, Terence P. Jeffrey

Reader Comments (1)
Nice work, Kim! You've been busy!! :)