Quote of the Week: Thomas
[T]rue piety does not feed on experience. Godliness feeds on Christ, on His truth, on the mysteries of God's revelation, and on His promises which are all yea and amen in Christ. . .Christianity as a possession is not simply an experience of salvation in the past, nor simply a status once for all bestowed. It is a hig h and holy vocation to be fulfilled in all who name Christ's name. We dare not rest until we attain to the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Geoff Thomas, Alfred Place Baptist Church, Aberystwyth, Wales
writing in the forward to Growing up in Grace by Murray G. Brett
*I received a complimentary copy of this book from my friend, John, at While We Sojourn. John has two more copies to give away this month, so why don't you go visit John, take a peek at his blog (one of my favorites!) and leave a comment at his post.
Reader Comments (2)
Headed over John's way but wanted to thank you for this quote. A good word I needed to hear this Saturday morning!
Thank you, Kim.