What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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Thankful Thursday 2010

I am thankful for so many things this week:

I think I finally made some headway on some problems Jake's been having on his health insurance coverage for some important treatments.  What a relief!  I'm so thankful that burden is beginning to be lifted!

I'm thankful for his wonderful doctor who took time out of her busy schedule to talk through the insurance issues with me.  I'm so grateful that she's willing to 'go to bat' for him and write the necessary letters that will, hopefully, allow him to have payment for those appointments he's already had and have coverage to continue with his treatment. 

I'm grateful that Eve made it through surgery on Monday.  She had 4 lesions taken off with laser surgery.  One was involved in the bone and it would have been hard on her to take it off, so since it's not bothering her, we left that one alone.  I'm so thankful for a vet who gives us guidance about which things we need to treat and what is better left alone.  She had an echocardiogram which showed that her congestive heart failure was caught early and is treatable at this point.  All her valves are leaky and her mitral valve is very, very bad but her ventricles are still pretty strong.  A mixed report, to be sure, but better than he thought it might be.  She's now on two heart medications, and antibiotic, and her regular thyroid medicine.  She's blind, deaf, has heart and thyroid problems and a mysterious dark spot behind her eye (one of the things better left alone) but she is a sweet and happy as she ever was.  I'm thankful for every day with her.

I'm thankful that there was little damage in the area from the windy days we had on Tuesday and Wednesday.  It was a wild and windy couple of days!  I'm grateful for the demonstration of God's power in the weather.

I'm thankful for Dr. D. Martn Lloyd-Jones.  His words speak both conviction and comfort to my heart.

I am so excited about a new 'toy' I ordered this week.  I am having a custom pen made for me by a truly masterful calligrapher--and a very fine, generous young man.  Jake Weidmann is a 'once in a generation' calligrapher and I am so delighted that he is making a pen for me.  I will treasure it!  I'll show pictures when it arrives!  In the meantime I hope you'll go see his beautiful, breath-taking work.

I'm thankful tonight that we have a Taco Bell right down at the end of our street.  I really didn't want to cook tonight.

I'm thankful for my church and my church family and especially their prayers for Jake and even for Eve.

I'm thankful for the time I have with Maddie and Elliott each Wednesday.  They wear me out but I love it!  Yesterday, I made some playdough for Elliott and we played with it while Maddie was napping.  He was fascinated with the garlic press and I have to admit, he figured it out faster than I did when I first got it!  He colored for a while but mostly he used the crayons as building blocks, laying them out in intricate patterns.  I think he's going to be an engineer when he grows up!

Maddie is the fastest crawler!  She really motors!  And she's such a sweet and happy baby.  She'll be walking soon!  I'm so very thankful that the kids live near us and we can see them often.

I'm especially thankful that the election is less than a week away!  I'll be so glad for my phone to stop ringing off the wall and for the campaign commercials on the radio and tv to fade away.  I'm so thankful that God is Sovereign over the affairs of men and whatever the outcome, I can rest in the knowledge that His Will will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

I'm thankful for the blessings of work and rest, reading and sleeping, conversations with my boys, kisses from my Grandchildren, and the love of my husband.  God is good.

I'm joining my friend, Kim from the Upward Call,  and others in giving thanks to God on Thursdays in 2010.  Won't you join us?

Reader Comments (2)

God is good. Yes and amen!

October 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterrosemary

I was wondering how Eve's surgery went. Every day is a gift with her, seeing as she is older.

October 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterKim in ON

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