An early morning

We're up early this morning because we have to be in downtown Chicago at 7:30 for a whole morning of tests and appointments for Jake with his cardiologist, electrophysiologist, and pacemaker nurse.
We're pretty used to days like this. They can still be long and sometimes stressful, but after 26 years, it has become part of life in the Shenberger family. Over all these years, we've seen God at work through Jake's medical problems and we've learned to rest in His goodness and mercy and trust Him with the outcome.
This morning I learned that a dear blogging friend of mine, Naomi, is with her young son now in the children's haemotology ward at Belfast Royal Hospital. He may have leukemia. This possible diagnosis is all new to this young family. The next fews days and weeks will be filled with so many doctors and nurses and tests and information; late nights and early mornings, lost sleep, missed meals, and phone calls. The children at home will be cared for by friends and family and they'll be worried and afraid and missing Mom and Dad. Naomi and Tim know Christ and are leaning on Him, but they will be tired and anxious nonetheless.
Please pray for this family and especially for Cameron. God is good. His ways and His plans are perfect. He is at work in this young family. May He be at work in us as well.
Reader Comments (1)
I hope the appointments went well yesterday.
I know how difficult the illness and hospitalizations of a child can be. May God comfort and give strength to your friend, her child and the whole family.