Playing catch up

So much has happened since I stopped blogging. Here is a list of some things in no particular order, just off the top of my head:
Elliott is 5 and in Kindergarten. He is such a charming little kid.
Madelyn will soon be 4. Here she is in her recital dress. Isn't she adorable?
Elliott and Maddie will be getting a new brother or sister in July and I will have another baby to love.
We said good-bye to our dear, dear Ivy to bladder cancer in May of last year. I still can't even type those words without choking up a little. Oh, how I loved that ornery dog.
We also lost Buster in September. He was a sweet kitty. We are now cat-less.
Ivy can never be replaced but we now have a new red dog to love. Meet Molly. She's a stinker.
I suspect Molly will be frequently featured at Hiraeth if I do end up catching the blogging bug.
Sam is now taking the train into Chicago for classes at Tribeca Flashpoint College, majoring in film. He loves it!
Our 'Narnia' tree died last year. We replaced it with a White Fir. It's a nice little tree, but it's not magical.
I have become a TV watcher. Never thought that would happen. I blame Downton Abbey. . .and American Pickers.
My business has grown every year. It's nice to be fully booked and turning jobs away. I have the best job in the world. Every day I get to do what I would otherwise be wishing I could do. That is a good thing.
Our little church is growing! Everyone warned us about how stressful starting a new church was going to be but it really hasn't been stressful at all. It is a joy to have been there at the beginning of our church's history, but Christ Covenant OPC is in very good hands with Reverend Wilkins and our overseeing church, Hope OPC in Grayslake, IL. What a blessing it is to be a part of such a loving church family.
I am growing older. It's shocking. I took a 'what is your real mental age' test a few weeks ago and got 28. Add 30 years to that and you have my chronological age. Like I said; shocking.
Want to know something else that is shocking? Most of the books I 'read' are recorded books. I'm so busy with my work that by the time I close up shop in the evenings, I'm too tired to read. But I devour recorded books while I am working. (Just finished 'The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry' and I loved it!)
I'm getting ready to repaint and redecorate my kitchen. It will take me forever because I can only work in between jobs and on the weekends. I probably should hire someone to do it but I like painting. At least I think I do. At least I used to. We'll see.
Right now, I'm working on a marriage proposal letter for a client to be given to his girlfriend, soon to be fiance, on Valentine's Day. Did I tell you I love my job?
There is so much more. . .I regret that I didn't keep it up, if only for the family memories. I'll try to do better.

Reader Comments (4)
How wonderful to see a post from Hiraeth in my feed!! Sad to see that your four-legged friends have passed since you last blogged. I knew about Ivy, but I missed Buster's passing. I'm glad that you are well! I hope you can blog more often. :)
Hi Leslie!
How are you? I've missed you! I just went and took a peek at your photography website! Wow!
Care to make any bets on whether I am able to keep this up? I really am going to try this time. Really!
Oh my look how old your grands are! So glad for your catch up post. I've missed you...
How fun to have post from Hiraeth show up in my feeder! I loved this catch up post--your grandbabies are beautiful!