What I Believe


Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel!
Bakker, Frans.


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Compare yourself with those who on the Lord’s Day hear nothing except the dismal sound of the world. What a privilege it is for you to hear the proclamation of the gospel! Bakker, Frans.
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Bookmark Giveaway: Photo Challenge


We're off to a wedding this weekend, so I thought I'd leave something fun for you while I'm gone.

I'll be giving away a free custom bookmark from Bookworm Bookmarks to the first person who can correctly identify the subject of this photo.   There are three certain elements I am looking for in the description, so the first person who decribes it, mentioning the three elements, wins.  I will be the final judge of who is closest, but I do have a friend who has already seen the picture and knows what it is who will help me decide who describes it best should there be any question.

So, use your imagination and play along!   

Reader Comments (7)

Oh! I have no clue! Beautiful photo, though!

September 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRebecca

No idea but the whitish objects on the sides look like feathers. Sorta? :-) Tricky subject this one!

I was hoping it would be a challenge!

September 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterCarla Rolfe

Looks like a canoe moving into a dock under a bridge!!!! (and coming right at you!)
Good guess, AnnMarie! Hey! When can you come up for a visit?

September 14, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnnMarie

Looks like you are looking under one of those sailboats with the two catamaran's with the rudder showing in the middle through the water as it is setting at the dock with the sun showing from the back of the boat. Since no waves it has to be setting still, sun in the background since the darker places are forward. If it is this, I would love a ride!

You win!

Wow! You're good! I wish we could take a ride around the lake together with our families. Wouldn't that be fun?

September 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterpam

Yep what they all said sounds good to me.

September 14, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterellen b

My first impression was that it is a flood in a tent. Ha! [So wrong, I know.]

What an interesting first impression! I wonder what my immediate first impression would have been had I not known. . .

September 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commentermissmellifluous

I have no guess - am pathetic - completely caught up in the fact that our Cubbies took 3 of 4 in St,Louis. Shocking!!!
It is September 16 and we are still in first place!

Darlene, I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel, don't you? I am so looking forward to the next few weeks leading up to the World Series! I'm still pulling for a Tribe/Cubs World Series.

Hey! Two weeks out and both teams in first place? It could happen!

September 17, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterdarlene

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