Hey! Need any help?
Saturday, February 17, 2007 at 01:17PM
Tom thought he'd do his Bible study in the sunroom this afternoon because it is so bright and sunny in there. He forgot to count Ivy into the equation. She's allowed on the furniture in the sunroom and so whenever anyone wants to read in there, she promptly invites herself to read along.
That's why I read in my regular reading chair in the living room. She's not allowed in the leather chairs in there. It's not easy to study with a 50 pound dog reading over your shoulder!
in Ivy
Reader Comments (2)
Haha... A small, cute lapdog :D
This photo makes me smile because with three vizslas who all think they are lap dogs, reading is always a challenge in our house. All three of them love to sit in my lap on the recliner at the same time. I don't think they ever outgrow that "puppy pile" mentality and the more the merrier :)