God's Minute
November 4
Believe that you shall receive them, and ye shall have them.--Mark 11:24
ALMIGHTY GOD, our Father in Heaven, God and Father or our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we would wait on Thee that Thy Holy Spirit may enable us to worship Thee. We are not worthy of the least of Thy mercies, yet hast Thou enriched us in all needed good things. We pray Thee to search us and show us our sins; and, as we confess, we would trust Thee to forgive, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. We would thank Thee for the blessings Thou hast bestowed upon us, and if we have any enemies, bless them and give us right spirits toward them. If any dear to us are unsaved, bring them to repentance and faith in our Saviour, to serve Him as Lord. Jesus is the true vine. We who are His disciples are the branches. Enable us to abide in Him, and may the Holy Spirit bring forth from His life the fruit of the Spirit in our lives. Bring Thy people up to the help of the Lord against the mighty. Send forth Thy light and truth. Send forth laborers into the harvest, and bless the labors of those whom Thou hast already sent forth. Give us some place and part in this day in Thy service. We ask all for Jesus' sake.
A.D. McClure, D.D.,
Wilmington, N.C.
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