God's Minute
We trust in the living God, who is the Saviour of all men, specially of those that believe.--1 Timothy 4:10
OUR God and Father, for the protecting care of the night we give Thee thanks. For the new day, a free gift of Thine, with its message of renewal and tireless interest on the part of our Father, we give Thee thanks. Teach us anew with this new day the meaning of home, friendships, and opportunity to do our work for God and our fellow-men.
Set our faces in the right direction as we go out to live another day. Fortify us that we may not be overcome by any evil. Restrain us from any untoward tendencies. If the way grow dark, cause us to see Thy light. If loneliness should be our lot, let us be mindful of Thy companionship.
By Thy help may we add some joy to other lives, and live out this day with the blessed thought of having done something worth while. And as the shadows of the evening creep over us we would again give thanks and commit ourselves anew to Him Who careth for all. We make our requests in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord.
Rev. Clarence W. Kemper,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
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