God's Minute
I am the Lord thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee.--Isaiah 48:17
O GOD and Father of all the families of the earth, Thou art worthy of our daily love and constant gratitude. Thou knowest we can never be other than children crying to Thee for food, raiment, and shelter for our sustenance and protection. We stretch our hands toward Thee to be lead through paths we cannot know, beside which temptations lurk and snares are set. Deliver us, we beseech Thee, from the evil one.
Help us to appreciate our earthly family relations, established and wondrously blssed by Thee. Grant that our home may be kept in peace and goodwill among all of its members by that love for one another which casts out suspicion and fear. We consecrate it with all its interests to Thy care and service, that the yearning of our hearts for Thy approval and indwelling may bring to us godliness with contentment.
Today, in our family worship, we confess our sins that He Who is faithful may forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. As we go forth to our individual tasks, give us courage, strength, patience and that wisdom which cometh down from above, which is first gentle, peaceable, easily to be entreated, full of good works. All of these blessings we ask in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord.
President I.N. McCash, LL.D.,
Spokane, Washington
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