God's Minute 2/22

This, the love of God, that we keep His commandments.--1 John 5:3
O LORD, Thou art the high and lofty One Who doth inhabit eternity, Whose Name is Holy: Thou dwellest in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.
We bow before Thee, humbly asking Thy pardon of our sins, though our Saviour. We thank Thee that Thou didst so love us as to give Thy beloved Son that we might live; and we rejoice that no one shall be able to pluck us out of Thy hands.
We pray Thee that Thy Kingdom may come, and Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Do Thou support and empower everyone who labors for Thee at home or on the mission fields. Do Thou comfort and uphold all who are sick or bereaved, or troubled. May these trials bring them closer to Thee.
We do desire that Thou wouldst give us grace and power to live rightly today, to do our work and to glorify Thee. Oh, keep us from falling or doing anything to grieve Thee or to bring sorrow to ourselves, or to anyone.
We ask all in the Name of our Saviour. Amen.
D.T. Reed,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Reader Comments (5)
Kim, I love reading these, but I realize I don't know the whole story of what they are, who wrote them, etc. Do you have it posted somewhere?
Yes, I'll put up some links for you sometime this morning. I like to post about them every once in a while for new readers.
I'm glad you are reading them. It's hard to know if anyone really reads them, but they mean so much to me and really do help me in my prayers for others.
Like this morning's prayer (2/23), a man named Rufus, long dead, beseeched the Lord to remember "the young and vigorous, bearing the responsibilities of life." I am faithful to pray for the sick, the grieving, the troubled, and the like but I rarely, if ever, pray for the young and vigorous--young families raising children, doing the daily things like going to work, training their children, caring for their homes, serving in the community. The daily pressures of the young and vigorous are worthy of our prayers, yet how many of us ever think to pray for those "bearing the responsibilities of life?"
So, they inform my prayers and cause me to stop and think each morning as I read and type and proofread. They often sink into my thoughts in a devotional way.
Here you go!
It looks as though the whole link isn't there, but if you highlight it and keep going, you can copy and paste it into your browser.
Let me know if it works.
Thank you, Kim--it worked.