Tuesday Treasures

In keeping with last week's "Tuesday Treasure", this week I am sharing another one of my book treasures.
I received this boxed set of The Lord of the Rings for my high school graduation from my parents. I graduated in 1974, so that makes them over 30 years old. As you can tell from the pictures, this set is virtually worn out, so several years ago I bought the Red Book, single volume edition of The Lord of the Rings. Though it still sits among my other worn out Tolkien books, that one no longer belongs to me.
It has become a treasure of a different kind. . .
My friend, Dave, shares a picture of his books here.
Reader Comments (10)
My daughter would seriously be drooling over those awesome copies of the book! She loves Tolkein!
I have the same set. Clip and paist this url and take a look at my pic.
But I have to confess, my set smells dusky, so I prefer to read from my newer set. :) But I do love old books and I like the imprint of Saurons "eye" and the ring and the black writing of Mordor on the ring.
Ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nasg gimbatul,
Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum-ishi krimpatzul.
One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.
hmm... let try that one more time.
hopefully that will show up.
to bad you cant add images or even links to them.
I'll update my post to include your link.
Your copies look to be in MUCH better condition than mine!
The eyes on the front of my books actually show up better in the picture than they do in "real life" because the flash really connected with whatever metallic paint is left on the front covers.
I have a Big Red Book too, but as I was finding it hard to read in bed, Chad got me a brand new paperback set as a "beater." I still have my old Hobbit paperback that my mum gave me in the sixth grade. Our librarian had a bulletin board up with all the riddles from the book, and if you could figure them out and name the book,you'd get a prize. Well, this was before my Tolkien days, so while I did figure out all the riddles, I didn't know the book! So no prize for me, but my mum was proud of me for solving the riddles and she bought me a copy. And the rest, as they say, was history. I think sometimes about replacing that old paperback with a new hard-back, but I love that funny yellow book. It was my very first window to Middle-earth, and that is preciousss to me somehow.
Cool! Books are a treasure to me, Although,--looking very sheepishly-- I've never read those. Okay. I said it. Can you still be my friend?
great books
It takes a lot for me to blurt something out loud while on the computer but when I scrolled down and saw those books I said "NO WAY!" Those books rock! Treasures indeed!
Hi Allyson,
I know what you mean about trying to read the Red Book in bed or sprawled on the couch, but after a while you sort of get used to it. I propped it up with a pillow on my lap. I'm slogging my way through Les Mis now and have to do the same thing with that big red book.
Someday you'll probably get a hard back Hobbit (I call those trophy books) but the paperback your mom gave you will always be the most preciousss, I'm sure. Just be sure to make it the trophy book before you wear it out!
Of course you can still be my friend! But I will encourage you to pick up the Hobbit and see if you aren't enchanted into reading every Tolkien book you can get your hands on after that!
Tony loves Tolkien books, but I have never shared his interest in them. He took me to all the Lord of the Rings movies and it just wasn't my thing, I am sorry to say!!