Vizsla in Motion

For those of you who have been introduced to Vizslas through my website, I thought you might like to see a Vizsla in motion. Just look for the three commercials under the heading "Pedigree pouches." Oh, and you'll need Flash Player to watch it online.
In the first one you'll see an example of what we call "counter surfing." At our house, this is when the V (namely Ivy--we do not change the names to protect the innocent--there are no innocent dogs in our house) sneaks a bit of food off the counter lickety-split. This happened today when I was preparing a fried egg sandwich for lunch--the egg was done. . .hmm, where did I put that bread? IVY!!!
Didn't see the V snatch the food off the counter, did you? See, that's the thing; they really are that fast. We almost NEVER see it happen. The absence of food, the guilty look, and licks tell the tale. Oh, and a 50 pound dog trying to hide in plain sight is another clue.
Reader Comments (4)
Beautiful Dog! I have a Great Dane and he does the same thing. He's a big 'ol baby.
Look at her licking her chops! What a great looking dog! What kind of dog is Ivy?
Hi Faith,
Wow! A Great Dane can probably sneak off the counter without even standing on his back legs!
Ivy has perfected the back leg-no paws on counter tip toe. I'd love to get THAT on camera someday. I think we'd have to set up a hidden camera for that, though. As it is, we've got to have eyes in the back of our heads. . .
Hi Kate,
Ivy is a Vizsla. We have two and they are as different as night and day, but we love them both. If you poke around in the archives you can see more pictures of them.
Ivy just can't resist any opportunity to get ahold of some of that tasty "people food", can she??