God's Minute 3/24

I will give thanks unto Thee forever.--Psalm 30:12
ETERNAL FATHER, help us to think wise thoughts, to speak kind words, and to do good deeds through all the hours of this new day of our lives. Help us to see things as they are, and also as they ought to be. We would have a hand in making the world a better place in which to live, and, as the nearer duties are the most pressing, we would begin at home. To the beloved beings in this household, therefore, we will consecrate our ability to be cheerful and helpful. Enable us to lift the burdens of the weary, and to bring happiness to the sorrowful about our own fireside, and then as our strength andwisdom are increased, to impart them to others, near and far. How full of the possibilities of usefulness is a single day! How sweet to think that in a single moment of a single hour of this one, we may render some service that will increase the sum of human virtue and happiness! Help us, O Lord, to do it!
Give us a new assurance of Thy love, and a new sense of the dignity and value of life. We pray Thee that we may be able to say, when our call comes, "Glad did I live and glad do I die, and I lay me down with a will."
Charles Frederic Goss, D.D.,
Cincinnati, Ohio
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