God's Minute 3/25

The prayer of faith shall save.--James 5:15
O LORD, increase our faith. By it may we be enabled to remove mountains of difficulty from our way. May it be our shield with which to quench the darts of temptation. May it steady and encourage us as we endeavor to form our plans and assume our duties and responsibilities in accord with Thy will. May it deliver us from frearful anxiety respecting our own welfare, and that our our loved ones whom we commit to Thy care. May it incline us to be forgiving and patient and considerate and sypmpathetic. May it prompt us to gracious and kindly words and deeds. May it save us from being too much gratified by praise, and from being too much cast down by blame. May it lend zest to the day's toil, and quicken us to renewed energy and fidelity in our work. May it impel us to humility and gratitude when we are granted prosperity and happiness, and may it preserve us against bitterness and gloom of spirit if want and sorrow become our portion. May it strengthen our hold upon possessions that abide, and be unto us the evidence of things not seen, and the substance of things hoped for. May it assure us each day, as we fare on our pilgrimage, that Thou art nigh, and lead us into the blessed experience of companying with Thee as a man walketh and talketh with a friend.
Harry P. Dewey, D.D.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Reader Comments (3)
Thank you for all these wonderful prayers.
OH How I so, so needed this today! Thanks!
It always blesses me to learn that these prayers, almost 100 years old, continue to assist me and others in our devotion to God.